Chapter Three: I Wanna Know What You Were Thinking

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Alright, here's chapter three! Enjoy.


The school day quickly ended, and I picked up my things, eager to get out of the prison known as school. Unfortunately for me, the training was closed today due to the fact that someone had accidentally caught half of the training equipment on fire, after they had tried some ridiculous stunt with flaming swords. Don't ask me why.

The whole day I had been avoiding Cato once more because it was kind of my fault that he and I had detention. Okay, okay, it's entirely my fault. However, he deserves it, the little punk. He acts so superior and treats me like he's some kind of supernatural being and that I should bow down to him. Ha! In his dreams.

I exited the school, crossing the not-so-lush yard and began heading down the cracked sidewalk towards my house. It wasn't too bad of a walk, fifteen minutes, tops. I just worried about being murdered or something. Yeah, everyone here in District Two can get a bit...rough. Actually, that's an understatement. If you say "hi" to someone and they think you were too friendly or something, they might hack you to pieces. Depending on who you're talking to. It's mostly the adults who are cranky like that.

Leaning against a tree in the distance, was none other than Blondie himself. A scowl made its way on to my face. How'd he even make it out of the school before me? Where was his group of irritating followers? What about the girls usually clinging to him? I hated to admit it, but Cato was far too hard for me to figure out.

As I approached him, the smirk on his face was quite evident. He stepped off the tree and leisurely strolled toward me. "Hey, gorgeous, " he greeted, flashing a grin at me.

I folded my arms. "I kind of need to get home, you know."

He raised an eyebrow and continued coming closer to me. "And?"

"And that means it's time for you to beat it, " I replied, smirking.

"Ouch, " Cato said, "You're mean to me when I say hi, and then you tell me to beat it? Tsk tsk, gorgeous, that's not very nice."

"No one said I was nice in the first place, " I scoffed and stepped around him, walking quickly as I tried to get away from him.

I wasn't in the mood for his little games. If he wanted to flirt with someone - or whatever it was he was doing, then he could go find one of those blonde bimbos from the popular group who thought they actually knew how to fight well.

I heard another set of footsteps hitting the pavement from behind me, and I knew that the tall, blonde, muscular idiot was following me. "Oh come on, " he said, "lighten up a bit, gorgeous."

"I've already got detention with you tomorrow, I don't need to be around you more often than not, " I hissed.

Don't ask me why I was getting irritated so quickly. Something was just grating against me. And no, it wasn't a bad feeling. It was a good one. As if I actually enjoyed his company. That was a complete lie though! It was probably the headache that was starting to form that was getting to me. Making me think ridiculous things and all.

"I mean seriously, " I continued, blocking out my thoughts and giving into my anger, "you're so annoying, it's absurd. Who on earth would enjoy talking to y-"

I was cut off by the sound of a fist against someone's face. Whirling around, my eyes widened at the sight. Three guys who looked to be about Cato's age had come out of nowhere. One of them, I'm assuming, had been the one to throw a punch because there was a bruise beginning to form over Cato's eye, and he was doing his best to fend them off.

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