Chapter Twenty-Two: I'm Glad You're Okay

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Author's Note: If you're disappointed that Clove's alive - don't worry! I promise this isn't going to be some overly-sappy story okay. On another note, I did receive a lot of good reception to the last chapter which I am very pleased about! Seriously though, I would be thrilled if y'all signed up for The Creativity Games. They can't begin until all of the tribute slots are filled - and it's not a huge commitment. Besides, someone gets killed each week so it will be very fast paced once it begins.

With that being said, enjoy the feature presentation!

[Clove's Point of View]

When I wake, my head is throbbing and my vision is still blurred. It seems as the hearing in both of my ears is a little fuzzy, too. Naturally, I call for Cato. Surely I hadn't gotten here by myself? Or was I out of the arena? Had I died? Would I ever see Cato again? Not that I wanted him dead, of course.

"Clove, " I hear someone next to me. Recognizing the voice instantly, I smile and relax a little. It's Cato.

He kneels next to my side and peers over at me, a boyish grin on his face. "You're awake, finally."

"What happened? You know, after..." I ask, biting my lip.

Gingerly rubbing the back of his neck, Cato replies, " looked to be in pretty bad shape. But you weren't dead. At least, I hoped you weren't. I carried you back here and bandaged you up. Kind of wishing we'll get a sponsor later so you can get back on your feet. I'm guessing the Games will be over soon and..."

"And what, Cato?"

"Nothing, don't worry about it."

He plants a kiss on my forehead, utterly shocking me, before standing up. I stare up at him. He's not the annoying, stereotypical "bad boy" I met before the Games. He was completely different before the arena. It seems like it has been years since I've been in District Two...but it's only been around two weeks.

"What...was that for?" I question, my eyes wide in astonishment.

Walking over to pick up some garment, he says, "Just glad you're okay."

Well, that's a bit odd, isn't it? Then again, he's different. 

"What happened to Thresh?" I suddenly ask, all of the memories becoming sharp in my mind.

"I killed him." Cato replies simply, handing me the garment. 

The piece of armor he handed to me resembled that of which a knight in the renaissance days would wear. It was less baggy, though, and looked very well crafted. Not only that, but it also looked as if it would fit me perfectly. The armor wasn't on my mind though.

Cato had killed Thresh. There was no doubt in my mind that Thresh died an excruciatingly painful death. When had this happened?

"When did you kill him? And why? I pressed, eager to know.

Running a hand through his hair and sighing, Cato turned to look at me. However, his eyes didn't quite meet mine. In a quiet tone, he spoke, "I killed him because he hurt you - in fact, you almost died because of him. To answer your other question, it happened not too long ago, actually."

Feeling a blush creep up my cheeks, I turned my face away. "Well...thank you, Cato."

A low chuckle sounded from Cato. "Don't tell me you're blushing."

"I'm not! It's just hot and I happen to be very tired, hungry, and in need of a medkit."

"Alright, alright, I'm sorry, " he tells me, grinning. "I'm sure we'll get sponsors soon enough. After all, I did just get rid of another tribute."

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