Chapter Twenty-Three: Finale

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Gripping my knives tightly in my hand, I'm suddenly extremely grateful to Cato for getting me medicine and knowing how to take care of me. I was officially back in the game. The growling continued and it seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere at the same time. 

Cato and I stood back to back, determined to cover each other if need be. The sky seemed to become more ominous as each second passed. The chill of the air continued, a slight fog lingering near the ground.

"Get ready..." he murmurs, and I nod in response.

As the beast jumps from its hiding spot, I launch my knife directly at its head, impaling it. It falls to the ground with a dull thud. Knowing that there will be more of these things, I turn to Cato, and we run, and run, and run.

Amid all of the chaos that had ensued, I can't help but think there was something oddly familiar about that mutt. It was almost as if I knew it. That can't possibly be true though, can it?

"Cato, " I say, panting. "Did you...notice anything about that mutt?"

"Other than the fact that it was huge? No, not really, " he replies.

I can hear howling in the distance which encourages me to run faster. If anyone's going to be taken by those creatures, it will be Twelve and her boyfriend. I've come too far to be ended by an oversized dog.

We're nearing the clearing with the cornucopia and the howling has increased. I can now hear the pounding of large paws on the grass. All of my surroundings give off a sinister atmosphere. Overhead, the moon is bright, shining grandly in the blackened sky. The ground beneath my feet is moist and cold and the air is stiff with a raw coldness.

Out of the corner of my eye, I notice Katniss and Peeta - but I'll get to them later - if they're not mutilated by the beasts that are quickly approaching. My eyes briefly catch theirs, but I keep running and so does Cato.

After reaching the cornucopia, we instantly begin to climb the huge metal thing. Both of us are panting. Exhausted. Weary. Fatigued. But...we made it out. Cato is on his knees at the edge of the cornucopia, gasping for air. 

I'm not doing so well either, in all honesty. We've run a great distance and neither have us have eaten. Right from the start, the day has been all action. It seems the gamemakers have taken great care to make sure that the finale is carried out exactly as they planned.

"Cato, " I wheeze, desparately trying to regain my breath. The mutts have broken through the treeline and are now making their way towards the cornucopia. I can only assume Katniss and Peeta are attempting to climb the cornucopia themselves.

Cato regains his posture and turns to me. "Didn't expect the end to come this soon. You ready?"

Also regaining my breath and posture, I smirk. "Always, blondie."

With that, Cato draws his sword and I grip my knives in my hands, feeling confident and determined. Katniss and Peeta both flop on to the cornucopia as the mutts surround us all, barking and clawing. Thank goodness they don't seem able to climb.

Cato lunges for Katniss, swinging his sword. He can hold his own. At this point, I don't mind if Cato gets Twelve, and I go for Peeta.

Lover Boy isn't particularly fast at reacting, and I have him pinned under me within seconds. This time, I don't waste a second and immediately begin cutting into his skin with one of my most delicate-looking knives.

Everything around me seems to disappear, even Cato. It's just me and Peeta. My knife tracing his skin, drawing the familiar crimson liquid. He writhes in pain and I feel the ghost of a smile playing on my lips. I've missed this. 

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