Chapter Thirteen: Don't Tempt Me

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I apologize for the lack of updates...I've been even more preoccupied because I finished KotOR 2 (for like the millionth time) and I just...I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH MYSELF. So I resorted to reading KotOR fanfics. Judge me.

Read on, padawans.


Is it even slightly immoral to say that my love for killing has come back? As the day went on, the more I wanted to kill - to see someone else's blood on my blade, to see my knives connect with their heart or their face. It was a beautiful thing, really. There was so much thought and skill that went into killing. Of course, everyone only looks at the gore and terror of it all.

However, as night came and and Cato let Glimmer kill that girl by the fire, I felt anger rise in me. I was the better shot, I would have more fun with it, and I was obviously not as sloppy. My thoughts were proved when no cannon sounded and Peeta had gone back to finish her off.

I could tell by Cato's expression that he was not exactly pleased that Glimmer had missed such a simple, helpless kill, but his eyes held lust as she dragged her stupid hand up and down his arm, looking at him with pleading eyes, as if she knew he had been the slightest bit upset.

Cato looked over and smirked at me and I felt my upper lip curl. What was his angle this time?

We made camp about an hour later and I could feel myself falling asleep, all of my stamina was gone, or nearly gone. We were all tired, of course. And tired means grabby. And crabby means arguments. And arguments mean bloodshed. Most of the time.

"Clove you take first watch, " Cato ordered, lying on his back with his hands behind his head.

I scoffed and defiantly folded my arms. "Who put you in charge?"

Cato raised an amused eyebrow at me. "Me. Get to it, squirt. We all want to sleep."

I scowled at him. "I don't have to listen to you."

Now I could see anger spark in his eyes. "You do unless you want to be dead."

An amused laugh escaped my lips. "Whatever you say..." I proceeded to sit down against a tree and make myself comfortable, all while watching Cato's face contort with frustration.

"Whatever..." he grumbled, then turned to Marvel. "You're on first watch."

Marvel looked irritated but didn't say anything more as he nodded.

Later that evening, sleep came, to my surprise, quite easily. I wasn't exactly enjoying the hard, cold ground, but I was used to it from all of the training at the academy in District Two. Sleep felt great - but then I heard it.

Yes, it was just barely audible. But it was there. A little high-pitched giggle. I slowly opened my eyes, and squinted, not wanting people to know I was awake. Sure enough, Glimmer and Cato were awake. He was kissing her neck and she was giggling about it.

If I hadn't been "asleep" I sure would've liked to throw up. What were they even thinking? I mean, who goes into an arena of death and decides to get all hands-on with the enemy? I mean, technically we're all enemies to each other - so why would you kiss someone who's gonna try to kill you?

Glimmer's giggling continued and I felt a scowl make its way onto my face. Oh, I'd squish her like a bug.

Wait - what am I saying? Why would that even bug me? Who cares if they're going to town on each other.

"Knock it off..." Marvel grumbled. Obviously they'd forgotten he was on watch - or maybe they just didn't care.

"Shut up, Marvel, " Glimmer retorted, obviously extremely irritated.

"No, I agree with him, " I quipped, abandoning my status of  "sleeping". "You guys are freakin' annoying and if you don't knock it off I'll cut you in the jugular."

Glimmer looked absolutely appalled, which amused me, but Cato didn't look the least bit afraid. He got up from the ground and walked over to me. I rolled my eyes and sat up as he looked down at me. "I'd like to see you try, gorgeous, " he said.

"Don't tempt me, " I snarled, standing up.

He leaned closer to me, and I could just barely see the smirk on his face. "Maybe I want to."

I laughed. "Hit me with your best shot, babe."

He raised an eyebrow. "Babe? I like it."

"Oh for the love of- look people, we're not District Twelve!" Marvel exclaimed, throwing his hands up in the air.

"I'm not looking for love, I'm looking for blood, " I replied simply, before stepping away from Cato.

Cato tilted his head to the side ever-so-slightly. "Aww whatcha running away from, gorgeous?"

Before I could reply, Glimmer made a gagging sound then walked towards Cato. "Um, what are you doing? Flirting with this trash?"

Cato looked rather annoyed. "I can do what I want."

"Aren't you forgetting what we tal-"

"I think you need to shut up right about now, thanks, " Cato urged.

So they were talking about me, eh?

I'd be lying if I said that didn't hurt at least a little bit. I just didn't expect my allies to be so downright immature. Who on earth would act so juvenile? Well - Glimmer, obviously...though she does have a way with words. Perhaps she's been influencing Cato.

No, that's a fact. She has been.

"You guys were talking about me?" I questioned, scowling.

"Look - it's nothing personal, sweetheart, you're just...not good enough to be here, " Glimmer said, giving me a sickeningly sweet smile

"Whatever, I don't care what you guys think of me, " I growled, picking up my knives and separating myself from the group a bit, going to sit under a tree at least five meters away.

I heard Cato let out a big sigh before everything was quiet once more.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Okay okay I know this chapter is extremely filler-ish and I am accepting hate but PLEASE UNDERSTAND that I have been extremely busy and my imagination has just gone down the drain.

So yeah, understand that.

Ugh. This tiny chapter took me about a billion days to write.

I am so disappointed in myself.

I'm sorry.


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