Chapter Fifteen: Bye Bye Blondie

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Author's note: Wow, okay I'm really awful. I'm sorry I haven't been updating, I'm lazy. Anyway, I'm trying to write this whole chapter while I'm on my break so we'll have to see how well it works out. Don't hate me.  OH AND SUGGESTIONS ARE ALWAYS OPEN.



That's what I felt. Pain, everywhere. Something stinging me, making my skin feel on fire. My eyes snapped open and I let out a bloodcurdling scream. Tracker jackers...everywhere. I leaped to my feet at the exact  moment that the others did, and began running everywhere - anywhere. Glimmer was screeching at the top off her lungs, hopping around like an idiot. The hive had landed nearest to her, and they had obviously made her their main target.

However, I didn't have time to cheer. Not if I wanted to live, anyway.

"To the lake!" Marvel shouted frantically.

Cato was right behind him, and I behind him. As I was running, I looked down at my hands and saw numerous bumps, all swelling up. I twitched and my vision changed. Everything was pink! Except for the ground. The ground was covered in little black things that seemed to be...moving? I looked closer and saw that millions of spiders were manifesting all over the ground.

My breathing hitched and I tried to quicken my pace, but my sense of direction was gone. Wherever I turned, there were more spiders and more pink. I couldn't see Cato or Marvel, but I did see two giant bunnies hopping obnoxiously around.

I chuckled but it came out slurred and awkward.

Keep running, must get chocolate, I told myself.

Oh, yes. Chocolate was a must. Chocolate was very good indeed, and I was not leaving without having some. I laughed maniacally and turned my run into a skip. The sky was now cotton candy colored, the ground was full of lush, green grass, and the trees were moving!

"I could get used to this, " I told myself, giggling.

Suddenly, Cato appeared in front of my face and appeared absolutely terrified.

"Hi, Cato, " I greeted, a grin spreading across my face. "You know, you're actually quite attractive..."

He furrowed his brow, and his bottom lip quivered. "Stay away from me!"

Naturally, I took a step towards him, my head tilted ever-so-slightly to the side. "Aww don't be like-"

Out of the blue, Cato shoved me to the ground and I felt myself drifting off before my vision went black.


"Wake up, come on, " a distant voice called.

It sounded vaguely familiar...and it was very nice to listen to. Afraid that they would stop talking if I opened my eyes, I did what anyone else would do. I kept my eyes shut and didn't move a muscle. It was particularly hard to hold back a smile when I felt someone lightly grab my hand with their own.

"Obviously you're not dead..." they murmured. "You can't be, there would have been a cannon by now."

"You know, you're not that bad, " they continued, and I finally recognized their voice. It was Cato. "You may be feisty, moody, and stubborn, but I like that about you, kid. You're different than the rest."

I let out a small laugh and immediately regretted it.

"Ah, you suck, " Cato grumbled.

Opening my eyes, I saw he was now glaring at me. However, he didn't take his hand away. Honestly, he didn't look too bad. Yeah, his face was smudged with dirt and dried blood, and the tracker jacker stings were still visible, but hey. He could work it.

I rolled my eyes and sat up. "How long have I been out? And where's Marvel?"

Cato ran a hand through his hair. "A day and a half, at least, and he's out doing his own thing. Got tired of standing around. He'll be back in a few, though, I expect."

Finally getting to examine my surroundings, I noticed we were back at the cornucopia, except, there were large piles of dirt around the pedestals, and that's when I noticed Cato and I were not alone. Sitting off to the side on the ground, was the boy from...District Three, I believe.

"What's he doing here?" I questioned.

"Helping, " Cato replied. "He dug up all the mines and put them around our supplies. Reactivated them himself, too."

"You trust him?" I scoffed.

"He's afraid of us, especially me. Of course I trust him. He thinks we're going to kill him."

"...But that is what's going to happen."

"Well, yeah, but he has no way of knowing when. Therefore, he's going to try his best, thinking we'll let him live if he performs well enough, " Cato explained, looking quite pleased with himself.

Everything was so peacefully, as if something...annoying was missing.

"Where's Glimmer?" I asked, tilting my head to the side.

Cato rubbed the back of his neck. "She didn't make it out."

Naturally, I bit back a grin. "Oh, how...unfortunate."

"Quit the act, I know you're happy about that."

He was right, of course. I was perfectly happy she hadn't died. However, a small ounce of fear manifested inside of me. That could have easily been me instead of her. It almost had been, I think. Obviously I'd have to step up my game to make it out alive.

Shut up, I told myself. You're already at the top.

Ah, but so is Cato...

Cato. I just couldn't figure him out. One minute he was rough, the next he was sweet. It intrigued and infuriated me.

Author's note: This is horribly short, I know. I'm sorry. Thanks for your feedback; I try to watch out for typos, and I usually proof-read my chapters before posting, but, a few errors always tend to sneak in.

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