Chapter Twenty-One: We Were A Team

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I guess it was a little bit of a cliffhanger, yeah? Okay. This chapter is written in Cato's point of view.

And if you still haven't joined my Creativity Games, do it. Or at least sponsor people (vote for your favorite tribute). Thanks bruh.


Thunder crashed and lightning illuminated the sky, casting ominous shadows by the trees. Rain came down in sheets so hard it was almost blowing sideways.

My entire body was drenched and I had to constantly wipe my face to see clearly once more.

I was out hunting for Thresh.

After I'd carried Clove to safety, I bandaged her up nicely with the first aid items we happened to have. I gave her the last dose of morphling I had - just in case she woke up, I didn't want her to be in a lot of pain - before I left her wrapped in my own jacket under a big tree and took off for Thresh.

Not long after I'd gone, a huge thunderstorm rolled in, making things ten times harder than they needed to be. But I guess that's how the Gamemakers want it.

The ground was slick with mud and crumpled leaves, making it hard to go much faster than a sped up jog, but I was patient. Adrenaline kept me going. I was itching to spill his blood.

Coming to the clearing with the cornucopia, I lifted my hand to my forehead, shielding my eyes from the rain.

The big grassy field behind the cornucopia was blowing wildly in the storm, thrashing about.

Since I hadn't seen Thresh around the woods at all, I decided he probably spent his time in the field.

Approaching the field, I realized the grass was taller than I originally thought. It could hide anything if you crouched low enough. He was smart for coming here.

Bringing myself to a crouch, I wiped the rain from my face and pushed my way through the field, ever so slowly.

More thunder sounded and lightning lit up the sky. The rain pursued to the point that it actually hurt when it landed on you, but I kept going. He would pay for what he did to Clove.

The wind whirled around, causing everything to sound muffled and far away, but still, I kept going.

Mud splattered on my boots and pant leg as I trekked through the field. Little by little, I was getting closer. I could feel it. And I was almost giddy with excitement.

Then I saw it.

Through the wind, rain, and tall grass slapping me in the face every second, I saw a slip of arranged branches above the grass. It was a makeshift shelter. Good enough to cover Thresh if he stayed low.

I drew my sword and gripped it so tightly in my hand my knuckles began turning white. He would pay.

Persisting toward the shelter, I felt anger bubbling in me once more. He had hurt Clove. Tortured her. And now? Heh. He'd get worse.

I wasted no time barging into the shelter where, indeed, Thresh was laying, sleeping.

Scowling, I roughly grabbed him by his jacket collar and dragged him out into the storm.

"Get up!" I hissed, letting go of his collar.

A flash of panic ran through his dark eyes. Both were almost swollen shut, probably due to me punching him multiple times.

He eventually stood, and I threw my sword to the ground. "You hurt her, " I growled, clenching and I clenching my fists.

"Who? Little girl from Two?" he asked.

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