Chapter Twelve: Let the Games Begin

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Now presenting...


Oh and as you've might have guessed, I completely forgot to do recaps for my chapters. Yeah. Sue me.


Thirty, twenty-nine, twenty-eight, twenty-seven...

The countdown had begun and I was itching to get off the platform and start the slaughter. Cato was on his own platform a few places down from me, with a determined expression on his face. This was the moment I had been waiting for. I would come out a winner this year, I could feel it. It was inevitable. I had to win.

Ten, nine, eight, seven, six...

Almost there...almost there...

Five, four, three, two...

And here we go...


I sprinted off the pedestal and made a mad dash towards the cornucopia, intent on getting all the knives it had to offer.

Everything seemed to happen in slow motion, though. I grabbed knives and immediately turned to start killing. I was only looking for one person, though. District Twelve. She was running, and a boy was running after her, poised to kill.

Oh, not today.

I let a knife fly and it got the boy right in the neck, he spurted blood and fell to the ground, obviously dead. I threw another knife, this one aimed at Katniss, but she whirled around and the knife stuck in the backpack. I scowled, disappointed in myself and angry and Twelve for getting so lucky. However, I didn't stay too focused on her...the count of tributes was quickly dwindling, and I needed to kill more people.

Now, everything was extremely fast-paced. Tributes fell before my eyes, blood splattered everywhere, screams echoed in the air, and the weapons of those who were lucky enough to obtain them were scattered everywhere.

I ran up behind a tribute who was desperately trying to get out of the bloodbath, and stuck my knife deep into her back, then pulled it out. It made a gross, gurgling sound as it came out of her back, and she let out a choked scream before falling, dead. She was now in her own pool of crimson blood.

I was excited, though.

Maybe a little too excited.

Death was everywhere, everywhere. And it made me happy. The smell of blood with a tint of iron filled my nose and I breathed it in happily, as if it rejuvenated my senses.

I saw Cato, Glimmer, and Marvel going to town on other tributes and I snapped myself out of my day dream, quickly swinging into action once more.

I let out a maniacal laugh and threw more knives at more tributes. All I saw was blood. Blood, blood, blood. My ears were filled with screams of the fallen, and my senses by now were completely distorted. To put it simply, I was high on killing.

In the very back of my mind I knew it was wrong, but I always thought of that feeling as being sick from the excessive smell of blood.

One can only take so much blood.

Not thirty minutes later, the bloodbath was over, and the tributes who were lucky enough to survive had cleared out long ago. Now it was just Cato, Glimmer, Marvel, and me. We all passed around satisfied looks as we began picking up the weapons that hadn't been broken or bent, and we gathered up the supplies that mattered most - like food.

"Look! It's Lover Boy!" Marvel shouted suddenly. "Get him!"

"No! Wait! I can help you!" Peeta pleaded.

Lover Boy was at the edge of the woods, looking quite scared, yes, but I saw determination behind his fear. He obviously had a hidden agenda. Didn't he? Of course he did...

My mind was playing tug of war - trying to decide whether I should kill him or not.

"What do you want?" Cato barked, crossing his arms over his chest.

"I can help you find Katniss, " Lover Boy stated, sounding sure of himself.

I didn't believe him. He had just confessed his love to her during the interviews last night. And I saw the emotion in his eyes, he wasn't faking it. Everyone seemed to buy his little act, though, including Cato, and it made me want to puke. Couldn't they see we were just walking into a dead end? I'd have to tell everyone soon enough...or let them see their failure on their own.

"Well, do we let him stay or not?" I demanded, hoping to snap someone out of their clouded mind and help them to see reason, "He's the enemy, remember?"

Cato scoffed at me. "What, afraid he's gonna kill you?"

"No, I'm afraid I'm surrounded by idiots, " I drawled, scowling at him.

Could he not see that this was a bad idea? Twelve was obviously smart - she'd survive for a while. We could find her without Lover Boy's help.

"Yeah, I'm with Clove, " Marvel finally said, nodding. "He's not really necessary."

The color drained from Peeta's face. "I can help you find her soon! Within a few days."

Cato licked his lips. "Alright. You're in. One wrong move and you're dead. Remember that."

Peeta nodded, relief flooding his face.

This was a bad idea. "Cato, can I talk to you? Privately?"

Glimmer rolled her eyes at me, and I glared at her. Cato shrugged and I gestured for him to follow me. I led him away from the group, towards the back of the cornucopia. "This isn't smart, " I blurted out.

He rolled his eyes. "It's fine. He's weak - I can kill him off if anything goes wrong."

"No, don't you see? If anything - he's going to lead us away from Twelve!" I hissed.

"And you know this how?"

"I saw it in his eyes, during the interview. When he said he loved Katniss, he meant it. He's going to protect her and I know it, " I growled, clenching my fists.

"Since when do you pick up on that kind of stuff?" Cato chuckled.

My temper rose to a dangerous level. What was wrong with him? With all of them! They're all idiots, every last one of them!

"Relax, gorgeous, I'm only joking, " Cato said, obviously sensing my anger, "Look. If he puts one foot out of line, I'll let you kill him. Deal?"

I folded my arms and grumbled, "Whatever."


Okay this is really short and boring and you probably hate it oh my goodness I'm so sorry! I've been really, really, really busy lately and I haven't had time to write so I apologize for this disgustingness.

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