Chapter Eleven: You Look Beautiful

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Hey everyone! How ya doin'? I'm fabulous. I'm enjoying this heat while it's here. I seriously hope it stays; I'm ready for summer. And I've already been tanning. I'm so bored of being the pale friend that everyone ridicules for not being tan. Anyway, guess what. My Star Wars addiction is back. I've been playing Knights of the Old Republic 1 and 2 lately and it just brings back so many feels and fangirl moments I just can't even. I love those games so much. They will forever be my favorites. ANYWAY. Now presenting, the galaxy-moving, Sith-shaking, pure-pazaak novel, Bad Boy Better Run, Chapter Eleven! Actually it's really not all that stuff...


Three days had passed since we'd all done the training sessions. And to be quite frank, I will never understand why the Gamemakers needed three whole days to decide the scores. I obviously earned a twelve. Cato? I'm not so sure. I mean, who knows if he was even telling the truth about his whole "I gave them variety" thing. I drummed my fingers on the granite counter tops in the kitchen, while I thought about this.

He had to have been lying. I mean, he's a delinquent! He couldn't have been so smart as to give them variety - then again, I didn't even provide them with such talents as multiple skills. Pursing my lips in slight annoyance at the fact that I had overlooked performing other skills, I hopped off the bar stool and plopped down on a couch in the living room, turning on the TV. The scores would be on in just a few moments, and then we'd be taken away to get ready for the interviews this evening. And then...tomorrow, I'd be in the arena.

I could feel the adrenaline coursing through my veins. I was itching to shed some blood. Soon enough, Cato, Enobaria, and Belinda joined me, along with both Cato and my stylists. I hadn't bothered to remembered my stylist's name, and I have never met Cato's stylist. Within a few minutes, Caesar Flickerman appeared on the screen and excitement bubbled inside of me. This was the moment of truth.

Beside me, Cato was leaning forward, giving his undivided attention to the TV. It was as if he was holding his breath. Flickerman went through Marvel and Glimmer's scores - I didn't bother listening to them because they were both relatively low.

"Cato from District Two, " Flickerman began, "with a score of...ten!"

I snickered. I mean, that was pretty good...but nothing like Cato had been expecting, which made me happy.

Quickly, I returned my attention to the TV when Caesar announced my name, "Clove from District Two, with a score of...another ten!"

Next to me, I barely heard Cato laugh. Anger rushed through me, almost blinding me, to be honest. If I were a cartoon, I'm positive there would be steam blowing out of my ears. But that's just the kicker - because Twelve. District Twelve got a freaking ELEVEN!

Now, both Cato and I were in an uproar, swearing vengeance on Twelve, and threatening to go kill her right now. I angrily punched the wall, ignoring the throbbing pain that was now attacking my hand. This was ridiculous. How could that little freak get an eleven!

What did she do, seduce the Gamemakers? Cato let out a roar of anger and pulled at his hair. I've never in my life seen him this angry, and if I hadn't been so equally angry, the situation would have been slightly amusing.

The way his face was flushed and how he was bent over, angrily pulling at his hair. Within a few seconds, Enobaria was up out of her seat, including both stylists. Enobaria was barking at us both to stop acting so ridiculous, while our stylists rushed over to us trying to calm us down - shouting about how we would destroy the beautiful relics about the apartment. Eventually - after almost forcing us to stop - we calmed down.

We were still angry, yes, but we were no longer punching and screaming. But didn't understand how infuriating that was? The fact that she got a freaking was absurd! Of course, everyone has loved District Twelve because of their flashy outfits in the Tribute Parade. Now they're just going to root for them more. Especially that Katniss girl. She'll probably get all of the sponsors.

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