Hargreeves family

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2 hours later, I made it back to the hotel room. I had to fix my bullet wounds to the best of my ability at the shop before the cops came. I had bandages on my shoulder and leg, it hurt like a bitch but it isn't the first time I've had injuries like these. I am lying on the hotel bed, trying to figure out my next match. I decided to google the famous Umbrella Academy and see what I could get. Before I got my phone out there was a loud bang in the bathroom. I walk to the noise and see a capsule from The Commission.

"I see your mission has gone sideways, follow this address tomorrow and follow Me Hargreaves around for a few days, don't make a suspension when you get the chance to take it, Sweetpea." I read the note aloud and sighed.

I guess I'm going to be here longer than I wanted. I make my way back to the bed and lay down to sleep, the next few days will be long.

The next morning, I wake up bright and early, I yawn, rub my eyes, and hop out onto the cold hotel floor. I make my way to the bathroom, shower, and get into clothes for the day.

I decided on a dress so I could easily strap a gun to my upper thigh. I put on a pale purple dress and strapped my gun to my thigh, I checked myself in the mirror and smiled.

I grabbed the note from my mom and checked the address, 891 Lin Street. I nodded and headed outside. I hunted down an Uber and showed them the address.

A few minutes later I arrived at my destination. A kid's arcade and trampoline park. Hmm, odd. I walked to the entrance, making sure the boy wasn't around me or in eye view.

The coast was here so I made my way inside and found a seat on the way back. I was heading to it when I heard a familiar voice...not the boys, but a female voice. I do a double-take when I see the actress from my favorite movie, "The Love Game."

"Allison Hargreeves, long time no see." A man's voice comes from next to her, they hug and I get a good look at them.

Then it hits me, the reason Hargreeves sounds so familiar. Allison and Five are siblings...

The tall black, curly-haired woman standing a few feet away from me, dressed in a black pair of ripped jeans and a baby blue t-shirt, and the taller man, his black spiked hair and stubbled face, wearing a black hoodie and sweatpants were in conversation when I heard a loud squeal.

A little kid runs up to the woman and hugs her, another woman chasing after her. This woman has dark brown hair, super skinny. She is in a black dress with dark purple flowers printed on it and is in combat boots.

"Lila" The woman known as Allison smiles awkwardly.

I watch the scene unfold. It was just those 3 adults and a kid from a while then 4 more men came walking into the group.

A tall, dark brown maybe black-haired, man with slight stubble and gloves on, An extremely tall man with a buff-looking top half, light brown hair, and a goofy smile, A scrawny-looking man with black hair who looked like he just got out of prison or something...and lastly..the familiar boy his scraped face now gone, I guess he covered it up with makeup.

He was wearing a suit just like yesterday...why does he wear so many suits?

I scrunched down in my seat and hid my face a little so he wouldn't see me and listened.

The really tall man looked at the group that was once just 3. "Look who I bailed out of jail." Pointing to the man I thought was in prison.

"Well hello, Ben," Allison says.

A while later I followed them secretly back to the party across the place.

The group that I have established is, Klaus, Allison, Luther, Ben, Lila, Diego, and of course Five..oh, and someone named Viktor who is running late. Diego and Lila are married and have 3 kids, the twins are whose birthday party we are at right now.

They are eating cake when a shorter-looking man comes in, Allison runs up and hugs him.

"Viktor I didn't think you were coming." Allison pulls away from the man.

They all do their greetings and go back to what they are doing.

A little over an hour later, the group started to separate and I followed Five. He was with Klaus and Luther. I was going to get an Uber but there was another noise from next to me, I turned and saw a capsule sitting on the wall, I opened it and saw car keys.

Stop using money on Uber. It's a black Toyota...Love mom

I looked around and found a black car, I used the key to open the door and it worked so I hopped in and headed off in the direction of Five's car.

About 30 minutes later, we ended up in the middle of nowhere. I kept my distance while driving, missing turns now and then on purpose. I watched them pull up to a very big mansion with plants and trees outside. I drove past the house and parked a ways down.

I made my way to the mansion and looked around in the windows, but no one was to be seen. I nodded and attempted to open one of the windows in the living room but couldn't. I used my powers to melt the lock on it and slowly slid it open and slid in, careful to not make any noise.

I made it inside the building and was walking around, I didn't hear any noise when...

"What the hell are you doing?"

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