Eat our feelings away

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Within seconds, we were back in our hotel room. My legs begging to give out beneath me, my lungs barely filling with air. I'm not one to have panic attacks but I think right now is the one time I have.

I tumble over onto the floor, my knees catching me, tears flowing down my cheeks.

"Paisley?" Five gets down on his knees in front of me. "I think you're having a panic attack, let me help."

I shake my head, "N-No." is the only thing I can get out.

He huffs and grabs my arm, making me tumble into him, I try to pull away.

He doesn't care, he just doesn't want to hear me cry like a baby, is what I keep telling myself.

"Paisley, stop fighting me." He huffs out as I try to push him away again.

He eventually gets my arms wrapped around me and his arms wrapped around my body. I'm tense for a second but once he lets his tight grip go and lets me fall against his chest, I'm too tired to fight anymore.

His body is warm against me, and his heartbeat is oddly calming. I let my body go, crys are the only thing you can hear.

"Shh, Paisley everything is okay." Five whispers, holding me.

After a few minutes of this, my body slowly starts to calm down. A raging headache pierces through my head.

Five waits a second before speaking. "You okay now?"

I nod slowly and get off of him and onto the bed. No words are spoken but he understands, he walks off to the bathroom and I climb under the covers after taking my gun and holster off, tossing it onto the ground with a loud thump.

I lay on my side, away from the bathroom. I don't want to face Five after that. He returns from the bathroom, closing the door so it is pitch dark in the room. I feel him climb into bed and pause for a second. I let out a sigh and a yawn. He coughs and then lays down the opposite way so our backs are turned to each other.

I close my eyes, my body exhausted but my brain won't shut off.


The next morning, him and I didn't speak, the entire drive back to his mansion was silent. He didn't attempt to talk about what happened and I didn't want to.

I was currently lying in my bed at The Umbrella Academy, just looking at the ceiling. A few tears ran down my cheeks, fuck, I'm like a depressed teenager.

I was knocked out of my thoughts when I heard a knock at my door, I quickly wiped tears away and told whoever was on the other side of the door to come in.

Allison walked in, "Hey." She smiled sadly.

I rolled my eyes, "Five told you didn't he?"

She nodded, sitting down on my bed. "Well, not all of it."

I nodded, not wanting to talk about this topic. "Look...I know you mean well, but I'm not one to cry and speak about my feelings."

She looked at me and smiled. "What about shopping and stuffing your face with street tacos?"

A little bit of excitement rushed through me. "That would work."

A big smile reached her face. "Yay! Go put something cute on, I have stuff in my closet come with me."

I got up from my bed and walked with her to her childhood bedroom. I smiled at the childlike throwbacks that were scattered all over the room.

I sat on the bed as she showed me a bunch of outfit choices, one stood out to me.

"I want that one." I smiled, grabbing the stuff.

She nodded and left the room to let me get ready. "Meet me in the kitchen!"

I took off the clothes I'd been wearing for two days and put on the light brown pleated skirt that had white lace at the edge, a white cropped button shirt which I kept the top and bottom button undone, and some pretty jewelry that would match. I then went over to her makeup and put on some lipgloss and mascara.

I smiled at myself in the mirror before running to my room, grabbing my phone and some black vans, and running down the stairs to the kitchen.

I could hear loud conversations and when I walked in my eyes met with Five, He looked me up and down and smirked slightly. If I wasn't paying close attention to him, I would have missed it.

Allison caught me out of my trance with a gasp. "You look so cute!"

I blushed and smiled a little. "Are you ready to go?" I ask.

She nodded.

"Where are you two going?" Five-spoke up, a tone in his voice.

"Shopping and eating tons of tacos to eat away our feelings." Allison laughed next to me, wrapping her arm in mine.

Five scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Have fun I guess."

"Why, you mad that I'm stealing your plaything." She snorts.

He rolls his eyes. "Nah, I have better things to do than babysit her." He grabs his drink and walks out of the kitchen.

"What a bitch." I mutter.

"You can say that again." She laughs, as she drags me out of the house and into the car.

Hours later, we were on Hot Topic. I have what feels like a hundred bags in my arms.

"Allison, let's leave before I spend more of your money and I cry because I feel bad." I laugh

She snorts and nods. "Fine, fine, we have already been in basically all the stores anyway."

She is right, we got one thing from every store. "Taco Time!" I yell as we run out of the mall.

We both reached the Taco place she was talking about, we were sitting in a booth, munching on salsa and queso.

It was silent, a peaceful silence.

"Thank you," I mumble.

"For?" She questions, sipping her margarita.

"This, everything, you have been nice and there for me even though I tried to kill your brother." I smile.

She laughs. "It's okay, we all thought about killing him once or twice."

A few more minutes later our tacos were here and we were eating them when a familiar voice made us jump.

"Hola my fellow chicas."

Klaus was standing in front of us.

"Uhh, hello." I giggled.

"What are you doing here?" Allison asked.

"Well, you see, dear sister best friend?" He giggled and sat down next to me. "I got bored at home, the boys are boring."

I looked at Allison. "Girl's night plus Klaus?"

She nodded and smiled. "Hi waiter, yes can you get my two friends a large Magritte?"

The waiter looked at me and frowned. "Can I see some ID?"

I looked at Allison and shook my head.

"Right.." She looked the man in the eyes. "I heard a rumor, you got my two friends here a drink, I already showed you their ID."

The waiter nodded and walked off, I giggled a little and leaned back into my chair, this is going to be fun.


Just a filler chapter :).

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