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The Hargreeves family has been extremely secretive the last week. They have constantly been kicking me out of the house and making me go on day trips.

I have been really nervous about my birthday. I have never had a "birthday party." It was just ball-like parties and dances, never what I wanted...especially as a child.

I was laying in the back of Diego's truck, he let me and Viktor borrow it because Viktors got towed...don't question it.

"Bruh." I giggle.

Viktor looked at me, his eyes bloodshot red and he was laughing a little at me.

"Knock Knock." I grab the blunt from Viktor's hand.

"Who's there?" He snorts out, rolling his eyes playfully and leaning up on his elbows.

"The poking sloth." I smiled and slowly pointed my finger out and inch to him, stopping my finger inches from his face.

He busted out laughing and I snorted.

"Jesus, give me that." He laughs and takes the blunt from my hand.

I roll my eyes and lay back looking back up at the sky. It goes silent for a few seconds before my phone rings.

I sigh pick it up and answer, not caring to look at the name.

"Hello." I yawn.

"Paisley, come home." Five's voice came through.

I jumped up from where I was sitting. Viktor looking at me.

"Five?" I choked out, looking at Viktor.

The short man in front of me jumps up from his spot and runs to the driver's side of the truck and turns it on.

I hold back a laugh. "Why?" I question the man on the phone.

"Party is ready, Allison won't shut the hell up till you are home so she can get you ready." Five huffs.

I nod tell him I'm on the way and hang up, I run to the passenger side and look at Viktor.

"Klaus is going to kill us." I burst out laughing.


"YOU SMOKED YOUR BIRTHDAY PRESENT?!" Klaus melts down to the ground in a puddle of defeat.

I laugh a little. "I'm sorry!"

He huffs and stands up, dragging himself to me. "Good thing I had a backup." He smiles, making me roll my eyes, I push his shoulder.

Allison walks into the room ready to get me ready so I follow, Klaus, screaming at the others about things to do.

An hour and a half later, I have my makeup done, glittery as fuck. Lip Gloss, glitter eyeshadow, and eyeliner. My hair is up in space buns with my pink streaks on my face.

I examine my outfit in the mirror, dark purple, a very sparkly, top, and a mini skirt to match. The top dips down in the front to show off my boobs and the back is open. I have black sparkly heels on.

"Holy fuck." Allison gasps, looking at her final masterpiece.

I giggle and blush a little. "Okay, you finished getting ready, I'm taking cute pictures."

She left the room and I grabbed my phone off the table, making a few tik toks and taking cute pictures to post.

45 minutes later, music started blaring through the house and I heard a knock on my door, I told whoever it was to come in.

Five opens the door, he is wearing a fancy-looking suit, you can tell it was worth a shit ton.

"P-Party is ready." He stutters a little, if I wasn't paying attention I wouldn't have noticed.

"Okay." I smile, my eyes roaming his body and stopping at his crotch, which is slightly growing.

I smirk and walk closer to him. "Come on, Five, keep it in your pants before someone sees it." I run my hand down his chest.

"Paisley, Be careful...I swear to god I will kill anyone that looks at you tonight." He runs his hand up my arm, then the back of my head, and then grips my hair, Pulling me up a little to his face.

He kisses my cheek, then my chin, then my lips. I kiss back, letting his tongue explore my mouth.

We were interrupted by a cough behind us. We jumped apart and I glanced behind him, a shocked Diego and Klaus stood behind Five. Their arms crossed.

"Well Well." Klaus clicks his tongue.

"If the two enemies aren't fucking." Diego snorts.

I go to speak but Five takes the words out of my head. "It's nothing between's just sex." He says matter of factly and I nod along with him.

The men grunt and nod, not buying it. "Alright well, everyone is ready."

I nod and hold my breath, following the men downstairs.

Well fuck.


Once I make it downstairs, the music is loud and the lights are out, a red carpet going from the hallway to the living room, once I made it into the living room there were purple and pink lights everywhere, balloons covering the roof, and a picture wall of the past few weeks. I smile and follow them to the kitchen. The kitchen was covered in glitter, I just know it will be a bitch to clean up.

There is a bar set up on the counters. On an empty wall in front of the pantry, there is a photo booth set up, streamers hanging from the roof. Finally, I see the food, the crazy amount of food...Then the gorgeous cake. It is in the shape of a heart, it is black with red glitter and skulls with roses. I look closer and it has pictures of my favorite dark romance books.

"A dark romance cake?!" I scream out in excitement.

Allison smiles, "You're welcome!"

I giggle. "I love it, thank y'all!" I hug the group in front of me.

We stay in the hug for a second and then Klaus jumps up and down. "Let's go party!"

I laugh as I am dragged to the bar and handed shots.

I take it and it burns going down but I smile and drag Allison and Klaus to the living room.


Hours later, I was very tipsy, videos were posted that I shouldn't have and I was dancing with my group on the floor. Five and Diego were standing on the sideline watching us.

I kept glancing at him, his eyes burning into me.

"Stop watching him, Have fun," Klaus whispers in my ear so no one else hears, not like anyone would with the music.

I nodded and looked behind me, Ben was smiling at me as the song "Bark Like You Want It" came on. I laughed and walked up to him. I started dancing and his hands went to my hips, moving me along him.

"Has anyone told you, you look drop-dead gorgeous," Ben whispered into my ear as I grinded on him.

I rolled my eyes, a few seconds of dancing later hands were on me, yanking me from Ben.

"It's my turn for a dance."


Oop- Jealous five...Yes, please. 

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