is this what love feels like?

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I'm currently sitting on a blanket outside, teenage giggling around me. Allison invited me on a picnic with her and her daughter, Clair.

    Clair was amazing. She loves to paint and listens to the same music as me. It's weird that we are closer in age than the other Hargreaves, but I feel like I need to protect her.

    "Paisley!" Clair yelling at me knocked me out of my thoughts.

    I looked up at her and smiled. "Yea?"

    "Come with me to throw away my trash." She stands up and gathers up the trash.

    We walked in silence to the trash can on the other side of the park, passing a few teen boys on the way. I saw her glance and wave to one of them. She smiled and blushed a little when a tall, blonde-haired, blue-eyed boy waved back.

    I giggle at her and she rolls her eyes playfully back.

    "I have a question." She whispers out, avoiding my eyes.

    I nod urging her to keep going.

    "Umm...Well, have you had a boyfriend?" She throws away her trash and turns back to walk to her mom.

    I smile a little. "Uhh, Ya one or two."

    She sighs and rolls her eyes. "I have yet to have my first kiss, I mean, I'm 17 years old, that's just pathetic." She complains.

    I giggle at her. "It happens in its own time."

    "Have you had your first kiss?" She wiggled her eyebrows at me and giggled.

    I blush, not remembering my first kiss..I mean that was when I was 12 and it was stupid..but the kisses i've been getting recently from the one and only Five Hargreaves. "Yes I have."

    I laugh as she fakes gags and we reach her mom.

    "Are you ready to go?" Allison looks at Clair and then at me.

    We both nod and Clair runs to the back seat and hops in, I get in the passenger and put on Megan Thee Stallion, we all start singing.


    Once we get home, the rest of the family are piled up in the living room. When I step into the house they all look shocked and all shuffle around seeming like they are trying to be normal.

    "Hey, Chicas." Klaus smiles oddly and leans back in his seat.

    I give him a look and smile. "Hi?"

    "How was your picnic?" Ben, who is in a weird position on the floor, seeming like he is hiding something behind his back, asked.

    "Uhhh..Good? Are you guys ok?" I question, walking to the exit of the living room.

    Everyone's eyes follow.

    "Amazing." They all say in unison.

    I see Five walk down the hallway to the living room and he stops dead in his tracks, rolling his eyes as he glances at the family acting weirdly.

    "Right...Well, I'm going up to my room for a little bit, see y'all in a few." I mutter before running up the stairs and to my bedroom.

    That was weird, I think before plopping down on my bed. I snuggle one of the stuffed animals that Luther got me a few days ago.


    "Movie Time!"

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