He would like that

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"sooo is everything okay Tim said you had some kind of family emergency, I've missed my partner" Nyla asks Lucy as the pair of them walk into the station together. Lucy had been off work for a week making sure Oscar was okay to go back to school with a cast on. Oscar had a rough morning he really didn't want to go back to school, he was overly clingy with Lucy over the week..he wasn't ready t leave her side. Lucy managed to get him in school happily because she promised him she will ask Tim to help him with his legos, which Oscar had been begging Lucy to do all week.

Lucy hadn't heard much from Tim after he dropped her car at the hospital a week before hand, she messaged him here and there updating him about Oscar and asking about work but he was giving her small simple responses hours after she sent them. She was starting to think that he was going back to his old ways with her and being an asshole again, or he's avoiding her..she really didn't know.

"Yeah everything's good. Promise" Lucy smiles and Nyla raises a brow.
"you bailed work a just over a week ago, I have heard nothing from you except a message from Bradford saying it's a family emergency..you let him in even though you guys hate each other. I'm your partner Lucy, I've got to at least know a bit of your life." Nyla sighs and Lucy looks at her and sighs softly.

"Look, I just had a phone call that someone I care about was hurt, Tim just happened to be there when I took it. Everyone is fine. I'm fine. Let's just carry on with our lives." Lucy says softly, she still really didn't want anyone to know but Tim and grey because she couldn't deal with all the pity from her co workers about her being a single mom with no one, and a dead husband..she had enough of that back at Arizona.
"Okay Luce. But when you're ready I'm here" Nyla says bumping her hip with Lucy's.
"Thanks." She smiles.

They walk to Nylas desk and nyla catches Lucy up with some cases she's missed. Lucy looked around the station every few seconds hoping she'll see Tim, Nyla sighs.
"What's up?" She asks leaning back in her chair crossing her arms
"nothing." Lucy shrugs reading back on a case.
"Liar. Your eyes keep sweeping the station every few minutes, what is going on?" Nyla asks and Lucy shrugs and looks at her.

"How's Tim?" Lucy asks and Nyla was not expecting that question, she cleared her throat and looks at her with wide eyes.
"Pardon?" Nyla asks making sure she heard Lucy right.
"Doesn't matter" Lucy sighs and Nyla eyes her but nods.

A few seconds later Lucy started to look around again so Nyla sighs.
"He hasn't been him since your family emergency" Nyla says writing something down on a case.
Lucy frowns "what do you mean?" She asks concerned.
"he's been quiet, not his usual Bradford quiet..I mean silent. He always seems to be in his own thoughts all the time. He rid with Lopez as their rookies had to do something for grey, and apparently he wasn't even using his cop eyes. I don't know what's going on with him. We even asked him to come to the game with us as we had a spare ticket and he refused, Tim refusing to go to a game is concerning," Nyla informs Lucy..Lucy sighs so it wasn't just her he's being off with.

"Oh." All lucy had to say.
"I'm hoping you know something about it. Is there something going on between the two of you?" Nyla asks, Lucy chokes on her saliva and immediately brings her hand up to fiddle with her necklace with two rings on.
"Absolutely not why would you think that- my hu-" Lucy says and had to cut her self off before saying too much..

"You know I just had to ask. I mean it wouldn't be wrong if there was, your not in any of his chain of command and hes dated a detective before.." Nyla trails off and Lucy puts a hand up.
"I am not dating right now..maybe never." Lucy sighs, this is not how she wanted her first day of work after looking after a child with a broken arm to be.
"Okay." Nyla answers. simply.


Tim sits in the men's locker room with his head in his hands. He's still feeling guilty as fuck...first of all he treat Lucy like shit. Then he finds out that her husband was his best friend in the military, then he's avoiding Lucy because he doesn't know what to do. He knows he should take care of her for Cole, but he's avoiding her which makes him feel worse and even more guilty..

Over the past week he's just been missing cole, he's dug out old photos of the two of them, and he wishes he never just immediately lost contact with him as soon as he left. He should have stayed in contact. He should have went to his funeral. He should have met Lucy and Oscar way before now. Things should be different. This whole situation has distracted him the whole week..Sargent grey had noticed..and gave him hundredth final warning..

Lucy's back at work today..he feels bad that he has hardly messaged her too..he's hoping he hardly sees her until he knows what to do..should he even tell her he knew Cole?

He changes and head to roll call, he walks past the detectives area to see Lucy and Nyla deep into a conversation..he quickly walks past them so they don't notice.

Roll call was simple, there was no calls remaining from night shift so they had to just follow their patrol routes. However Tim was riding alone again as Nolan is always getting himself into some kind of trouble, this time he's under IA for a shooting. Anyone could have taken the shot but of course it had to be Nolan.

Tim grabs his war bags and heads out, he answers a few easy calls and books people in. At lunch he decides to grab a bite to eat with Angela and her rookie.

Angela and Jackson were talking about some kind of mysterious murder call they answered that morning, Tim was having some comments but not full conversations.

That's when Nyla and Lucy came over and joined them, Tim was even more quiet, Jackson and Angela got called back at work and Nyla sensed they needed privacy so she goes to buy some soda.

"you've been quiet." Lucy comments taking one of tims fries
"Yeah sorry, just..stuff" Tim shrugs and Lucy raises an eyebrow.
"Stuff? Tim I've been messaging you all week you are giving me small responses, you're avoiding  me I opened up to you about everything at hospital and now you're avoiding me? Is it me? You're the only person who knows everything and I need you most right now..and you're not here" Lucy snaps and Tim  sighs and looks at her. He knows she's had it hard..really freaking hard. And now he's being a coward again, making everything about him.

"I'm sorry Luce..I'm here now..How's Oscar doing?" Tim asks changing the subject
"He's back at school today after a mini meltdown. He only went in if I promised to ask you if you can help him build his new Lego set..I was meant to ask you last week but you know..it didn't feel right as your small ass responses." Lucy says and Tim feels EVEN WORSE.

"Course I will Lucy! You should have just asked" Tim says.
"yeah well you know. You better help him, he's drained my bank account and it's all your fault" Lucy laughs hitting Tim's arm and Tim smirks.
"Yeah. Course I'll help him, why don't I make it up to you both and come around tonight? I'll bring pizza for us, and nuggets for him." Tim offers.

"He would love that Tim. Thanks. He's been non stop talking about you all week, it's mr Tim this or mr nice idiot that,  it's kinda annoying as we can only tolerate eachother." Lucy jokes and Tim laughs.

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