one ~ arrival

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‼️TW‼️- throughout the whole book‼️

I woke up to a piercing metal scraping and clashing in my ear, it was hurting my ears so I covered them and closed me eyes tightly shut rocking back and forth thinking;

What is going on?

Where am I?

Whats my name?

Who put me here?

I opened my eyes to try and get a good look at where I was but nothing helped all I see is darkness. I was being moved up and it was terrifying me so I closed my eyes tightly again. Minutes had passed, I was still moving up until I came to a hard stop to the point I hit my head on the corner of a box that was behind me. My hands were so still on my ears and my eyes remained shut I couldn't move I was panicking, something jumped into wherever I was with me. Whoever it was didn't say anything but there was murmur's from above saying things like;

"What's taking so long?"

"Come on we have work hurry this up!"

The person who jumped in the box with me yelled to them, "SOMEONE GET ALBY AND THE REST OF YOU GO!" his screaming make me flinch a bit, he sighed and yelled at then again  "NOW!",his yells are making me flinch alot now. I heard loads of walking and heavy footsteps so I just assumed they all went away leaving me and the boy alone.

"Hey, your okay" the boy said calmly, he had a soft British accent the kind of soothed me. "Can you come with me?" I just shook my head, I didn't know what to do.
"Okay that's fine, do you have a name?" I tried to talk but all I could let out was "I-I-I-" then gave up letting out light sobs
"You'll remember soon but I really need to take you to the med jacks because your heads bleeding alot" I just kept shaking my head
"No I don't f-feel comfortable with everyone they'll see us and draw attention to me I don't want that, c-could you just call one of the
w-whatever you called them over here. I don't wanna go out there please p-please don't make me" I tried to push my tears back but they just kept flowing out of my eyes uncontrollably. The British boy tried to move my hands from my ears so I could hear him properly.
"Hey it's going to be okay, your safe if anyone tries anything I'll stop them, I'll protect you I promise, also I'm Newt by the way" I let out a small smile and moved my hands from my ears while trying to open my eyes.

"I can't go out there like this my eyes are probably all red and my face is wet and puffy-" I was cut off by Newt who said,
"May I?" he seemed like a gentleman, I let out a little "mhm". Newt cupped my face with his hands and wiped my tears away with his thumbs. I slowly opened my eyes and said "thank you Newt" sending him a small smile and he sent one back.

"Okay are you ready to go get your head looked at before you lose too much blood?" he was talking to me so calmly like I was a piece of glass that would shatter any minute, I sighed and said "yeah", he stood up and held his hand out to me so I could have some help getting up but when I got onto my feet I was stumbling,
"Woah!, can I pick you up and place you up there so I can climb out" I nodded giving him the okay. Newt grabbed me by my waist and gently placed me on the grass above him, I waited for him to climb out before standing up. Once I got onto my feet I stumbled again.
"N-Newt I don't feel to good-" I fell to the floor and everything was spinning.
Newt rushed over to me saying "I'm picking you up okay, I'm going to get some help for that head of yours" Newt picked me up carrying me bridal style so I wrapped my arms around his neck and gave him a weak smile. Everything went black.

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