four ~ nightmares

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Y/N was in the shower and we've been talking for about 15 minutes until she did something I never thought I would hear someone else do. Sing.

"Lights are turned off
Music is on
Minds are unlocked
This feeling is amazing
Hands on your waist
Liquor is all that we taste
Your freckles lead the way
I trace your constellations
I see it in your eyes
The wind blows west where the sun don't rise, yes
You've got a darker side
You know it's a mess, but you don't need to hide, yes
The sweat is dripping down
Caresses your skin 'til it hits the ground
You're diggin' deeper now
You're biting your lips so you don't make a sound
Lights are turned off
Music is on
Minds are unlocked
This feeling is amazing
Hands on your waist
Liquor is all that wе taste
Your freckles lеad the way
I trace your constellations
Now we're four shots in
Slowly getting sober from the taste of your skin
We bring the light to the sin
You pull my head up as you're dripping down my chin
I feel your heart start to beat
When I hit the spot, you know I hit it perfectly, yeah
And you taste so sweet
Leave me wanting more soon as we get out the sheets
Lights are turned off
Music is on
Minds are unlocked
This feeling is amazing
Hands on your waist
Liquor is all that we taste
Your freckles lead the way
I trace your constellations
Now you're gone in the blink of an eye
I try to remember what you look like
Orion's Belt in this sky
Closest thing to you other than my mind
Now you're gone in the blink of the night
I try to remember what you taste like
Deep playing in my head
The smell of your body is still in my bed
Lights are turned off
Music is on
Minds are unlocked
This feeling is amazing
Hands on your waist
Liquor is all that we taste
Your freckles lead the way
I trace your constellations
I trace your constellations"

Her voice was beautiful, unlike anything I've ever heard.
"Your really good at singing"
"Am I?"
"Yes!, but you may want to be quick because thats the dinner bell but today we're having a bonfire for you"
"Okay, I'm just getting dressed".
We kept talking as she got dressed, when Y/N was done she had a couple questions like:

"So how long have you been here?"
"Nearly a year, whoever sends us here brought up me, Alby, Gally, Minho, and Zart up first and then everyone else came up by themselves"
"Your all the leaders then?"
"Not quite, Albys runs this place with me as his second in command, Minho is the keeper of the runners, Zart is the keeper of the track-hoes, and Gally is the keeper of the builders"
"Why haven't you all left this place?"
"Put your shoes on and I'll show you"

Y/N must've been eager to see why we're trapped because she wasted no time slipling her shoes on
"Do you want me to tie this lace while you do that one?" I asked making intense eye contact with her,
"Yes please" I stood up and got on one knee to tie her lace, we then made our way to the others until I stopped to say,
"Okay so you can trust Minho, Gally, Alby, and Zart, some of the others can be trusted too but i don't really know them that well" Y/N nodded and we started walking again.

When we got to the others Y/N looked really stressed and anxious. "Hey guys this is Y/N" she waved to them saying "hi",
"So Y/N how do you like the Glade so far?" Minho asked
"Well other than needing stitches as soon as I got here its oka-" she cut herself off and gasped,
"what the hell?" I looked at her completely confused
"Y/N what's wrong"
"Why are there gigantic walls surrounding us?"
"You haven't told her" Gally perked up
"No Gally I haven't not yet because in case you missed it we've had alot to deal with today" I said letting out a loud sigh.
"Is nobody going to explain the walls to me? I'll just go look myself" Y/N seemed pissed that no one told her but she's had alot to deal with already today, she started walking over to the open doors.

"Newt you need to stop her from walking through those doors" Zart was stating the obvious again
"I'm now going to, is anyone coming with me?"
"I will" all 3 boys added. We were running to Y/N and me stopping right in front of her "oh hey Blondie" she said with a smirk,
"Y/N you can't be near these doors now it's getting late" I tried telling her
"I'm going to keep walking until I get my answers" she started walking again so I grabbed her shoulders and spun her round stopping her from walking an further,
"okay okay fine, outside those doors is a maze and not a tiny one either, any minute now those doors are going to close for the night and if the doors close while your on the other side your stuck there and nobody survives a night in the maze" her eyes widened and she was trying to get her words out "s-so no one has ever gone i-in there"
"Well yes but only during the day when the doors open"
"Who goes in there?"
"Me, Newt, Ben, and sometimes Alby" Minho answered
"I want to go with you on the day's Alby doesn't" me and the others all looked at eachother confused, "why are you looking at eachother like that?"
"Y/N the maze is dangerous you'll be running for hours" Gally was just as confused as the rest of us
"okay and?" she didn't seem to care
"Y/N you can't but I'll see what I can do" she hugged me as soon as those last 6 words left my mouth.
"Now can we get back to the bonfire" Minho was eager to get back,
"sure" Y/N seemed to be happier now.

Back at the bonfire me, Minho, Gally, Zart, and Y/N were sitting against a log all talking to eachother.
"Y/N do you want a drink?" Gally said with a smirk on his face knowing exactly what drink he was about to give her
"Here" Gally hands her one of his 'special' drinks, she took a sip and made a face but still swallowed it "what the heck is that?!" everyone was laughing at her facial expressions
"No one knows" Zart answered in between his laughs
"It's not that bad it just instantly hits you that's all".

After about an hour of talking and Y/N drinking alot of Gallys 'special' drink, she fell asleep on my shoulder "guys be a bit quiet" I was telling them pointing at Y/N.
"Newt take her to bed" Minho suggested
"Good idea, night guys"
"Night" they all replied in a whisper.

I carried Y/N bridal style into my hut trying not to wake her, I gently placed her on the bed, took off her shoes and pulled the covers over her. I tucked her hair behind her ear so it wasn't in her face, she let out a soft smile even though she was in a deep sleep.
I was on the floor unable to sleep just in case something happened to Y/N and I'm glad I was awake because Y/N started heavy breathing screaming,
"no no no not them please their all I have left, PLEASE!", without hesitation I leaped to her side and woke her so she didn't have to keep living that nightmare
"Y/N it's okay, you're okay nothings happening, it was just a bad dream you're safe" Y/N instantly sat up bursting into tears,
"B-Blondie it was s-so real" it broke me seeing her like this
"I know I know, come here" she shifted over to the side of the bed I was sitting at, I opened my arms for her and she dug her head into my chest wrapping her arms around my torso as I wrapped mine around her neck.
"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked because I was really concerned about her, Y/N just shook her head saying "can we just stay like this for a while?"
"Of course we can but Y/N look at me" She looked up and her eyes were all red and her face stained with tears
"Do you mind?" I asked putting my hands near her face, again she just shook her head, I wiped her tears away while saying
"it was just a bad dream okay?" she dug her head into my chest saying
"it wasn't just a bad dream Newt it felt to real as if I actually lived it and it was so horrible they t-took- I can't even talk about it".

I stood up and put my shoes on and told Y/N "come with me" she looked confused but she tried putting her shoes on and struggled because of how much she was shaking,
"here I'll do it". I helped Y/N with her shoes and we left the hut, I walked her to the middle of the Glade and I just layed on the floor making Y/N giggle saying.
"Newt what are you doing?"
"Lay down and look up" she listened and said "Wow the stars are beautiful"
"I know but we can only stay out here for 10 minutes because you need to sleep"
"Okay blondie".

About 20 minutes went by and we were walking back to the hut, we entered and Y/N layed down and I was doing the same until she said
"Newt I would totally understand if you don't want to but can you sleep next to me tonight so I feel some sort of comfort"
"I don't mind" I climbed onto the bed next to Y/N and she wrapped one arm round my torso, placing her other hand on my chest and tangling our legs together. I wrapped one of my arms around Y/N's neck and the other one on her cheek cradling her face.
"Goodnight blondie"
"Goodnight love"

After a few minutes Y/N fell asleep so I did the same.

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