thirteen ~ greenie

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Today was like any other day in the Glade everyone working and waiting for the new Greenie.
Newts leg was healed but he now has a permanent limp and I can see it bothers him but he won't show it.
I really good with a bow and arrows, all the Gladers who wanted to do it ended up quitting because they couldn't learn so it was my own little thing that no one else could do.
The greenie alarm was going off so we all ran over me in the front right next to Newt, I had my bow and arrows with me for 'just in case' purposes.
Newt and Gally opened the box and inside sat a scared little greenie. Gally was tormenting him saying "Day one greenie, rise and shine" with that the greenie started running for the maze doors.
"Alby can I shoot a warning shot?"
"But you never miss"
"Alby its a warning shot its meant to miss"
I got one of my arrows and loaded my bow pulling the string back and asking Alby "Where would you like me to aim the warning shot?"
"His head"
"Fine by me".
I released my hold and the arrow went flying through the air just missing the greenies head, he slowly turned around seeing me hold a bow so I waved and he cane walking over.
"You missed" he said with a grin
"Trust me when I say Y/N never misses that was a bloody warning shot and a good one too love" Newt had my back all the time I nodded looking back at the greenie.
"In case you missed Newt here my names Y/N, do you remember yours yet?" He shook his head no,
"Thats normal it'll come back to you soon but for now I'll get Chuck and he can take you off our hands because Newt and I have work to do" and with that I took Newts hand in mine and we started walking to the gardens to start work.

About an hour later I see the greenie walking for the maze doors "OH YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING!" I yelled, Newt looked over to me and then over to where my head was.
I ran over and pushed the greenie to the floor holding my foot on his chest aiming my next arrow at him.
"Are you joking?, I literally fired a warning shot at you earlier because you ran over here and now your back?, do you have a death wish or something?" Everyone was running over because of the yelling but the greenie wasn't giving up,
"WHY NOT?!" as if on cue the maze doors started closing and I moved my foot from his chest not firing my arrow,
"Next time, I'm going to let you leave" I said walking away to the lake in the deadheads ignoring everyone in sight.

I got to the deadheads and a twig snapped behind me so my instincts kicked in, I loaded my arrow ready to fire at whoever was following me. A british voice called my name and I knew exactly who it was so I put my bow down and started throwing rocks into the lake waiting for him to eventually find me.

After a minute passed Newt found me and hugged me so tightly I couldn't breathe.
"N-Newt I can't b-breathe" he soon pulled away from the hug letting me catch my breath,
"That greenie's doing my head in, the slinthead"
"You handled it well though love"
"Did I because I remember firing a warning shot then about an hour later he was heading to the doors so I put my foot on his chest with my bow loaded yelling at him. I'm a horrible person"
"Hey, don't say that we all knew you had to do it otherwise he would've run into the shucking maze" Newt always knows how to make me feel better.

I held my hands out for him to grab so we could stand up and when we did I had a genius plan, I walked over to Newt infront of the lake and started kissing him slowly making him back up and me walk forwards. Now's the perfect time to do it, I slowly move my hands down to Newt's chest to slowly push him in but he caught on and put me over his shoulder.
"You tried to push me in the lake didn't you?" I giggled at his comment,
"Me? no never"
"Hm, okay it's your turn"
"Nope in the lake you go" Newt threw me into the lake but came in after me.
"Swim around for a bit you'll warm up". We swam deeper into the lake but I couldn't stand anymore, Newt on the other hand was so tall he was standing in the deep end like it was easy. Once Newt realised I couldn't stand anymore he picked me up so I wrapped my legs around his torso and my arms around his neck playing with his wet hair. After a while of stairing into eachothers eyes Newt leaned in so I did the same. We kissed for a while until Newt started moving his kisses to my cheek, then my jaw line, now my neck.
"N-Newt?" I could feel his smile as if he knew what he was doing,
"Newt!" I giggled because I also knew what he was doing,
"Hm?" was all he could get out, he was too busy making love bites,
"Albys going to kill us, it's almost dark and there's a bonfire tonight"
"One second I'm not finished" I giggled while Newt was grinning.
"Okay lets go!",
"Yes boss sorry boss" Newt and the other's had a habit of saying this to me all the bloody time.

We swam back to the deadheads and it was cold I was shivering. Newt realised and grabbed his shirt for me to put on so I did.
"Newt you have to walk back shirtless, you're going to be freezing"
"No I won't". Without saying anything else Newt picked up my bow and arrows then picked me up bridal style and carried me back to the Glade. We were getting stairs from everyone especially Alby.
"Newt, Alby's realised we're wet you might want to run back to our hut"
"I'm already on it, call Chuck over here"
"CHUCK!" the little boy came running and asking if I was okay,
"I'm perfect I have a mission for you, are you up for it?"
"Yes anything"
"Go distract Alby for ten minutes", Chuck nodded and started running to Alby and Newt was running to his hut.

Newt got into the shower and then came out fifteen minutes later, now I went in and took twenty minutes.
"So we make it look like we had a shower" I suggested,
"Yeah but we better hurry bonfires starting soon"
"Right behind you". I picked up my bow and arrows and left with Newt.

It was a normal bonfire with the same group of people plus the greenie.
"Y/N wanna show greenie here your skills" Minho said with a smirk,
"I don't think he could handle it Min Min".
"It might scare him a little bit" Gally adds
"No I can handle it" the greenie was confident I smirked at the others and they all nodded.
"Okay Chuck go get me an apple" he nodded and ran off,
"Why do you need an apple?" Greenie asked
"You'll see".

Chuck came back and passed me the apple i said "Thanks bud" and he stood and watched what I was doing.
"Okay greenie put the apple on your head"
"You heard me, apple on your head now". He nodded and put the apple on his head.
"This is going to be fun" Fry spoke up. All the Gladers were gathering around me and the greenie.
"You ready Love?" I heard Newt call from behind me, I just nodded and loaded my bow pulling the arrow back aiming for the centre and released. My arrow going straight through the apple, cheers came from everywhere but I had to make my point clearer.
"Winston pick up that apple" He nodded and picked it up.
"When I count to three throw it in the air"
"You got it Y/N" I nodded and tucked my hair behing my ear moving my hair away from my neck.
"Okay Winston 3...2...1" He threw the apple into the air and I shot for it, my arrow went straight through the apple. Again everyone cheered but Newt ran up to me pulling away from the crowd.
"Love your neck" I gasped realising what he meant,
"NEWT! it can't be that bad surely"
"Uh yeah its bad"
"Well it's fine now they know I'm yours" he chuckled and look my hand leading me to our group of friends that were sitting on the ground, so we joined them.
"Y/N you're good with that whatever you call it" the greenie was trying to be nice,
"It's called a bow and arrow but thank you".
"So Y/N you look like you had a good time earlier" Minho was grinning thats never a good sign.
"Huh? Min Min you need to make sense here", he pointed a finger to his neck,
"OH!, yeah I did" I look over to Newt and he was blushing so hard.
"So a game of truth or dare?" I suggest to break the silence. 'yes's and 'sure's cane from our little group.
"Okay Y/N truth or dare" Minho was doing his grin again,
"Explain to us what happened earlier with Newt",
I looked over to him and he nodded.
"Well after this shank here" I was pointing at the greenie, "nearly went into the shucking maze twice I was pissed" "LANGUAGE!" Gally yells "Whoops my bad over protective big brother" I said rolling my eyes "anyway I went to the deadhead and sat by the lake to think, then I heard a twing snap behind me and my instincts kicked it so I grabbed my bow and arrow waiting for someone to appear, but I heard a british voice and instantly knew who it was so I sat down throwing rocks into the lake, a few minutes later Newt sat beside me and we spoke for a while, then I had a genius plan, Newt would you ever so kindly finish" He nodded and started explaining.

"Y/N stood up and held a hand out for me to stand and when I did she started kissing me so as she was walking forward I backed up then her hands cane to my chest and I realised what she was trying to do, so I picked her up and put her over my shoulder, She started begging me to put her down but instead I threw her into the lake then I went in. It was freezing and I told her to swin to warm up. As we got into the deeper part of the lake I realised Y/N couldn't stand because he feet couldn't touch the floor"

"Yeah and then he picked me up so I wrapped my legs around his waist and then my arms around his neck playing with his wet hair. After a while of just stairing at eachother we both leaned in and kissed, then Newt traveled his kisses to my cheek, then my jaw line, then my neck, you guys know the rest considering I have the evidence on my neck".
Everyone started laughing but I got embarrassed and dug my head into Newts chest.
"You know Y/N you could get him back"
"Thanks for the idea Minho, we're going to bed now".
"Goodnight guys"
"Thomas" greenie muttered under his breath
"My name it's Thomas"
"When did you figure that out?"
"When you made me scared for my life the third time"
"Glad I could help".

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