six ~ running

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I woke up in the middle of the night to Y/N sleeping on the floor so I picked her up and placed her on the bed, then layed next to her covering us both with the covers over the both of us, the next minute Y/N placed her hand on my neck stroking it with her thumb. I drifted off to sleep 5 minutes later.

In the morning I woke up before Y/N so I got out of bed, got dressed and slowing woke Y/N up "Love, you need to wake up"
"Uh 5 more minutes" she said covering her fave with a pillow
"You can't we need to be in the maze then" she shot up saying,
"Newt why didn't you wake me up?!" I laughed so hard "I tried" she sighed and told me to
"Turn around I need to get dressed"
"Okay Okay"
"What do I even wear?" she sounded stressed
"It's gonna be hot so shorts, a shirt, and boots"
"Not boots I'll stick with my usual shoes" she said giggling.
"Okay, I'm done so what exactly do you guys take with you when your running?"
"Well the essentials like food, water, wepons, and our watches so we can see what the time is and predict if we'll make it back in time"
"If?"  Y/N looked like she was going to start panicking at that one small word,
"Y/N it's okay we've made it back everytime"
"Okay lets get some water and get going" I nodded and followed her to the kitchen.

"Oh hey Fry, can we get two waters please?" Y/N seemed like she was getting more comfortable around people and it made me happy,
"Of course you can Y/N, just be careful today" Fry, Y/N, and I all did a nervous laugh,
"I will don't worry". Fry filled up 4 water bottles one for me, Minho, Ben, and Y/N
"Thank you" I said to Fry.
We left the kitchen then headed to the maze doors where Ben and Minho were waiting for us.
"So Y/N how do you feel about your first day?" Minho asked,
"I'm nervous but also really excited, so what are we waiting for?"
"Well we go in pairs, Minho and Ben, but I used to go by myself or with Alby now your here so it's me and you" I answered.

"LET'S GO THEN!" Y/N grabbed my hand and started running not knowing where to go "Careful, you don't know where your going"    "You lead the way blondie, I don't want us getting lost" she said making both of us laugh.
I went ahead of Y/N making lost of lefts and rights. We had been running for 3 hours so I slowed down and Y/N shortly followed,
"Time for a break" I said out of breath
"Yeah definitely". Y/N and I sat down on the cold floor of the maze sipping on our water and catching our breath.
"This is a really weird question but do you guys have bow and arrows back at the Glade?"
"I don't think so, why?"
"Just want to try something new" she shrugged her shoulders and got up giving me her hand so I could stand too,
"Where to now?"
"The Glade the doors will shut in 3 hours" I replied looking at my watch
"Okay let's get going then".
We were running for nearly 2 hours and Y/N started mumbling,
"B-Blondie I don't t-think I ca-" I stopped and turned around to see Y/N unconscious on the floor.
"LOVE!, OPEN YOUR EYES, PLEASE WE HAVE TO KEEP GOING!" once I realised she wasn't waking up I carried her.

I bumped into Ben and Minho while running trying to get back to the glade,
"WHEN WE GET BACK YOU CANT STOP RUNNING NEWT, SHE NEEDS TO GO TO THE MEDJACKS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!" I nodded and continued running but this time behind Minho and Ben.

Once we got back to the Glade I heard the doors close behind me but I kept running to get Y/N some help.
I got to the Medjacks and started screaming "HELP, SOMEONE, PLEASE!" Clint came running from around the corner yelling "WASN'T SHE HERE YESTERDAY?"
"okay let's stop the yelling and explain to me what happened"
"We were running and took a break but she wanted to start running again so we did then she was mumbling slowing down her run and falling to the floor, just please help her!",
"Newt I promise you I will you just need to answer these last 2 questions, can you do that?"
"I'll do anything if it means helping her!",
"How hard did she hit the floor?"
"I didn't catch her in time so pretty hard considering the floor is concrete",
"She might have a concussion, when was the last time she ate?"
"I-I don't think i've ever seen her eat she just drinks"
"Newt, don't panic but a concussion mixed with starvation isn't a good thing".
I was losing my temper more and more,
"IT'S MY FAULT, I SHOULD'VE SEEN SHE WASN'T EATING AND IF I CAUGHT HER IN TIME SHE WOULD BE AWAKE!" I was punching things full force and I guess Minho, Gally, and Zart heard because they cane running into the room holding my arms back so I couldn't hit anything else.

"You 3 need to get him out of her so I can help
Y/N" Clint tried explaining,
"I'M NOT LEAVING I PROMISED HER THAT I WOULD PROTECT HER AND I COULD'NT EVEN DO THAT RIGHT!, please clint please bring her back" I yelled before leaving the room with Gally, Minho, and Zart.
"If she dies it's my fault, I promised her I wouldn't let anything happen to her, but I let her in the bloody maze the day after she gets stitches"
"Newt she's not going to die okay?" Zart tried reassuring me but I still felt guilty.

After about an hour Clint called my name and with no hesitation I got up and ran as quick as my legs would take me. "Is she okay? is she awake?" I needed to see her and to see if she was okay,
"Newt she's not awake and I don't know when she's is going to wake up but you can go in", I didn't need to hear anymore I just wanted to see her even if she was asleep.
After an hour the dinner bell rang but I just didn't move and fell asleep on the chair next to Y/N.

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