eighteen ~ clue

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"Sun down, lets go" Gally randomly hates me now for no reason.

Thomas and I nodded then left with Gally but before I completely left the room I pointed at my head, Newt and Minho understood what I meant.
Gally put me and Thomas in the pit without saying a word to us.
After about an hour I was bored and tried calling for the boys.

"Are any of you there?"
"I couldn't sleep love" That's obviously Newt
"Me either" Minho sounds tired
"Same here" So does Thomas
"My back is killing me, how bad does it look anyway?" I wanted answers
"It looks like you've been thrown against a wall at rapid speed" Atleast Minho was being honest.
"Try and sleep guys" I wanted them to rest even if I couldn't.
"Goodnight love, I love you" Newts sleepy voice was so cute
"Goodnight blondie, I love you more".

Now it was just me and the wind of the Glade.
After a while I let sleep take over.

The next morning I was awake before anyone else, which was strange because Minho would be up by now, until I saw him and Newt walk over.
"How'd you sleep?"
"Minho shut up and get me out of here"
"Yes boss, sorry boss".
I got out and went to the Medjacks with Newt, Minho, and Thomas following behind.

"Hey Jeff, can I have those pain killers now?"
"I already got them out for you"
"Thanks Jeff, I'll see you later"
"Goodluck" I nodded and left.

I was looking for my bow but couldn't find it,
"Guys where the hell is my bow?!"
"We hid it because after Gally put you in the pit, he came to me and Newt saying you were too dangerous with it" Minho explained
"Are you shucking kidding?!, where is it I'll show him dangerous that shank"
"Y/N ignore him we're in the maze today anyway, you won't have to put up with him" Thomas calmed me down.
"Okay fine but I want my bow and a few knives"
"We already got them ready, okay so let's go to the map room" we all nodded and ran to the map room.

"Wait guys I can't go" everyone looked at me shocked,
"N/N what are you talking about" Minho was confused,
"The connection, me and Newt can't have distance remember, one of us always ends up getting hurt, I got thrown at a shucking wall yesterday, today it could be Newt that gets hurt"
"Heres a plan then, Newt section seven is on the east side, so you stay by the east doors, then after about 3 hours go back to the open ones, okay?, because we can't do this without Y/N she's the one that got us this far, and if anything happens reach out to us scream if you have to and we'll instantly run back, got it?" Thomas was a genius.
"Got it, same goes for you guys, reach out if anyones hurt", we nodded and ran out to the doors.

Before we ran in, I ran to Newt giving him the most passionate kiss ever,
"Just in case, I love you"
"I love you more, come back to me love" I nodded and ran with Thomas and Minho.
"What was that kiss all about?" Minho asked
"Just in case"
"N/N we are getting out of here you understand?" I nodded and we ran to the section from lastnight.

Once we came across the dead Griever the other two stood back while I walked forward.
"WOAH what are you doing?" Thomas asked
"Grabbing my arrows, it has like ten of them"
"Just be careful" I nodded and called out with my mind.

"Listen to me okay, I love you more than life itself, if I don't make it back, keep living, move on with your life, get married, have kids, grow old, live your best life, I think I'm going to make it back but if I don't, I love you so so much"
"I love you Y/N but listen your are going to make it back to me, and everything you just said, it's all going to be with you, we'll survive this, so will everyone else".

I didn't say anything else but I walked up to the Griever instead, grabbing my arrows and then it moved and I screamed. It echoed throughout the maze with means it echoed through the Glade.
"Reflex?" I wondered
"You hope" Minho added
"Wait there's something in its leg"
"Grab it then Y/N"
"Ew no, you do it Minho"
Minho reached his hand in and grabbed the flashing thing.
"Okay I don't want to meet this guys friends lets go back" Thomas suggested,
"Good idea".

We ran back to the Glade and Newt was there waiting,
"Are you okay? are you hurt? I heard you scream!"
"The Griever had a reflex but what's going on?"
"Gally called a keepers meeting"
"Without all the keepers I'm gonna kill him".
I ran to the meeting hall and heard Minho, Thomad, and Newt yelling my name.
I entered and Gally had a smug look on his face.
"Look who returned from their feild trip"
"Gally I swear, I will shucking kill you myself if you don't explain what the shuck this is about"
"You and Thomas"
"This again Gally, you have no idea what we just found and you already want to get on my nerves"
"Enlighten us, what did you find?"
"Our potential way out"
"Yet again Thomas and Y/N have no idea what they've done as usual".
Thomas was mad "Oh yeah?, well at least we did something Gally, what have you done aside from sitting behind these walls all the time? Huh?".
Gally started walking over to Thomas so I loaded my bow and aimed straight for Gallys head as he pulled his fist back.
"I suggest you don't do that Gally, leave Thomas alone, Newt, Minho take him to the pit until tomorrow morning".
"Look at little Y/N giving orders and using her bow to defend herself again"
"I don't need my bow Gally, I could happily use my fists"
"Go on then"
"Gally I don't want to hurt you, you're my bestfriend, you have been since my first week here, I don't want to lose you".
"Shame because you already did when you chose Thomas" my heart sank.
"Take him to the pit" Newt and Minho just stood there stairing at me.
"NOW!" They quickly rushed out of the room with Gally.
"EVERYONE LEAVE!" they all quickly left the room, leaving me and Thomas.
I felt the tears pouring out of my eyes and Thomas stood hugging me.
"I can't do this anymore Tommy, I'm losing everyone" Thomas was about to talk until Minho and Newt ran over hugging us both.
"I can't it hurts, Gally was my bestfriend and now I've lost him, I don't want to lose anyone else, I'm going back to section seven now, I still have four hours, I'll be back, if you guys want to come that's fine but Newt reach out to me if anything happens" he nodded and I wipped my tears away and headed for the doors.

Chuck can running up to me and Thomas hugging us tightly,
"Chuck stay with Newt, we'll be back soon" the little boy nodded and grabbed Newts hand.
We ran into the maze too section seven.

"What the hell are these?" Thomas asked
"We call them Blades" I answered
"Guys this thing is vibrating like crazy"
"Minho I think it's showing us the way, keep walking".
We did exactly that and then three doors opened.
"Thats got to be our way out" I said
"GUYS!" Thomas yelled
We did and Thomas was on the other side,
"THOMAS GRAB MY HAND, I'LL PULL YOU THROUGH" he listened to me and he was with us.
We ran for what felt like forever and got back to the Glade.
I had a massive smile on my face and Chuck asked,
"Did you find anything?"
"We did Chuck, it could be our way out"
"But it looks like its where Grievers so during the day so we need to be careful and we go tomorrow"
"You want us to go to a Grievers home?"
"It's the only way out Chuck" he nodded and ran off.
"We need to tell Alby" I said and ran to the Medjacks.
"Hey Teresa" I said
"Hi Y/N"
"Hows Alby doing?"
"He's awake so good".

"Hey Alby, we found a way out"
"We can't leave Y/N"
"Because they won't stop looking for us"
"W.C.K.D, they're the creators"
"Alby we can go and hide, somewhere safe, they'll never find us"
"They will, look at eachothers necks".

"Newt turn around" He did "Property of W.C.K.D, A5 THE GLUE".
"Minho come here, Property of W.C.K.D, A7 THE RUNNER"
"Thomas your turn, Property of W.C.K.D, A3 THE LEADER"
"Look at mine" Newt looked and smiled
"Property of W.C.K.D, A2 THE PROTECTOR"
"What the hell, how am I the protector"
"Well Y/N you have saved lives" Minho answered
"Good so we can leave I'll protect you guys, also Teresa come here I want to see yours" she cane over and I looked.
"Property of W.C.K.D, A9 THE BETRAYER".

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