two ~ unconscious

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"HEY! COME ON PLEASE WAKE UP!" She was still asleep in my arms "JEFF! CLINT! HURRY AND DON'T SAY A WORD!" I was starting to panic because she had just only got here and she was so scared. Jeff and Clint came running and their jaws dropped in shock,
"Not the time help her!"
"Okay Newt what happened?"
Jeff was rushing trying to find her wound.
"I was helping her calm down and after a few minutes I realised she was losing blood from her head and it took her a while to come with me and when she did she was stumbling so I-I picked her up and carried her then she passed out".

I was scared for what would happen if she never woke up because I promised to protect her and I could've just failed. She didn't even get to remember her own name.
"Newt you have to go so we can stitch the wound on her head", Clint ordered
"No I'm staying I just promised her I would protect her so I'm not leaving!", I was getting mad and took it out on them,
"Please Newt just stand outside the door"
"Fine but if she-"
I didn't have the stomach to finish my sentence and just walked out the door slamming it behind me.

Alby came running up to me "Newt I heard there was an issue with the newbie"
"Yeah well it our first girl"
Alby stood shocked about what I just said
"What happened?, Where is she?"
"Alby you should've seen her when she was in that box her hands were covering her ears, she was squeezing her eyes shut, her legs were pulled up to her chest and she was resting her chin on her knees, she was having the biggest panic attack I've ever seen. It took a while for me to calm her down but she's genuinely so scared like the worst I've ever seen. Then after a while of calming her down I realised I needed to speed it up, she was losing alot of blood from her head. When I finally got her out of the box she was just stumbling so I carried her here and she passed out."
Saying that brought back all the awful memories of my first few weeks in the Glade.
"Okay so all the more reason for a meeting and she needs to be there to hear a new rule I'm laying down starting today"
I nodded and Alby was on his way to sort out some other Glade issues.

I reluctantly knocked on the medjacks door and heard Clint say "yes you can come in Newt", I swung the door open so quick
"I-Is she-" I was cut iff by Jeff,
"She's okay Newt" he reassured me
"Thank god also Alby dosen't want anyone knowing theres a girl here yet until the calls the meeting when she wakes up so this stays between everyone in this room"
"Okay" they both said in unison.
"When's she going to wake up?" there was something about this girl she seemed special,
"30 minutes to an hour but Newt thats the lunch bell", How could I eat when a girl lays unconscious?, "I'm not hungry I'll wait until she wakes up" Jeff and Clint nodded and went to eat.

All that was left for me to do was wait for her to wake up.

It felt like and eternity waiting for her beautiful (Y/E/C) to flutter open. I had been waiting for 47 minutes watching her eyes and then at my watch back and forth. She twitched but was it a sign she was waking up or just a reflex?.

Her eyes were beginning to open as she let out little groans and tried sitting up.
"Woah woah woah not yet missy, you make me panic like heck"
"Sorry Newt I'm just scared and my head hurts" she said with a quiet giggle.
"You need to take it easy but Alby wants to call a meeting"
"Who the heck is Alby?, A meeting? about what?" I sighed not knowing how she would take being the only girl surrounded by 20 other boys.
"Albys the leader of this place, and the meetings about, well you"
"Me why me?" she bolted up sitting down instead of laying.
"Your the first girl" she started heaving breathing going into panic mode.
"Hey its okay like I promised before I'm going to protect you I swear by that okay?".

Nothing I said was helping her, she was hysterically sobbing.
"Can I come over there?" I asked because I didn't wanna make her anymore uncomfortable.
She reluctantly nodded and I went over to the bed she was unconscious on before and sat beside her, next thing I knew she pulled me in for a hug and wrapped her arms around my torso and sobbing into my shoulder, I wrapped my arms around her neck being careful not to strangle her.
We stayed like that for a while, Alby came through the door saw she was awake and gave me the signal he was about to start the meeting.

"Hey remember I was telling you about that meeting?" I felt her nodding not being able to get any words out
"It's about to start we can go in after everyone else and stand at the back so no one knows your there okay?" again she nodded.

"I just remembered my name" she moved her head from my shoulder and looking up at me. "Don't keep me in suspense love come on"
She giggled and said "Y/N" I smiled at the name that sounded too familiar
"That's a beautiful name Y/N".
Tears were still coming out of her eyes like a never ending waterfall and my heart aches for her, I cupped her cheeks with my hand just like I had before, wiping her tears with my thumbs giving her a soft smile.
My eyes met hers. Her (Y/E/C) were so beautiful it made me feel weak.

I looked down at her and said "okay you ready?"
"Only of you promise you'll be with me the whole time" I giggle at her comment saying,
"I promise, I won't let you out of my sight" she nodded.
"I aslo grabbed some clothes and a pair of shoes from the boxes you came up with, I'll be outside the door while you change oka-" Y/N cut me off in a paniced tone saying.
"No please just turn around so I can talk to you, just please don't leave me" her eyes were filling with tears again
"Only if your sure"
"I'm sure". I turned around while Y/N was changing and gave me the okay to turn around by saying
"Okay just got to put my shoes on you can turn around" so I did my eyes caught a glimpse of her shoes and it had scribbled writing on the white thick part, but I didn't say anything I was too shocked. "I'm done just please please please don't leave my side"
"I won't Y/N". We left the medjacks and started heading over to the meeting room.

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