ten ~ love

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Newts POV

After we told people about 2 hours had passed
Y/N was still on my lap and her arms wrapped around my neck with her face also buried into my  neck. I think she's asleep so I said good night to everyone, so I carried her the exact way she was sitting but she wrapped her legs around my torso and I walked back to the hut. We were both very drunk and when I tried placing her onto the bed she shook her head whispering,
"No I'm comfy like this" and let out a warm sigh on my neck.
"Love, you need to sleep though"
"So do you, just lay down but don't move me"
"Okay okay" I said with a chuckle

I layed down and Y/N was in the same position, her face buried into my neck, but her arms wrapping around my torso, she had one leg up on me as if the one leg was curled up into a ball. She kissed my neck gently saying,
"Goodnight blondie"
"Goodnight love".
I put my arms around her waist pulling her as close to me as possible. I didn't want any distance between us even tho she was pretty much on top of me sleeping calmly, I let sleep consume me.


I had another nightmare, I woke up gasping for air and shaking suddenly tears started pouring out my eyes. Trying to get up without waking up Newt was difficult because of the position we fell asleep in. I felt like I was going to be sick so I got up quicker but accidentally waking up Newt instead.
"Y/N?" his sleepy voice was so deep
"Newt you know I love you and all but I'm actually going to be sick" he shot straight up walking me out to the medjacks.
"Newt it's just a hangover I don't need to be here, also I kind of don't want you seeing me throw up when we're not even a day into our relationship" I said with a giggle
"I'm staying here"
"Blondie please you have to run tomorrow, go back to sleep" I could hear his sighs from the other side of the room but he knew I was right,
"Fine but when I wake up you better be there"
"I will be Newt, goodnight"
"Goodnight Love".

Little did I know something bad was going to happen and it might've been my fault.
I threw up and I was going to go back to Newts room but everything started to spin and then get dark.


I woke up and Y/N wasn't there like she said she was going to be, I was confused and walked outside to see a bunch of Gladers huddled around the medjacks. I ran over wondering what all the commotion was about, but then I saw it and my heart dropped.
"Newt we woke up and she was just here on the floor" Clint tried explaining
"I brought her here this morning it was still dark out, she woke up because she had a hangover and was going to throw up but she told me to go back to bed because I had to run the maze, she was fine when I left"
"Newt pick her up and put her onto the bed"
I quickly listened to Jeff.
Why did I leave her?.
"Bloody hell Y/N what did you do?" I wasn't talking to anyone she was still unconscious and I had no clue how long she was going to be out for.

It had been two hours and Y/N still wasn't awake but Alby came running in saying,
"Newt I know this is hard but you have to do your part and run the maze" I reluctantly nodded and placed a soft gentle kiss on Y/N's head then left to get ready for the day. I don't know if she's going to wake up and it's killing me.

Minho and I were running the maze separately so I took this as an opportunity to end the pain once and for all.
I climbed the ivy on the highest wall I could find, when I got to the top I said "I love you Y/N" and jumped. Everything went black.

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