Chapter 6: The Mystery of Jungkook

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As the days turned into a week, Jin and Namjoon couldn’t help but notice Jungkook’s increasingly unusual behavior. While their friend had always been somewhat reserved, lately, he had taken to excusing himself every night, disappearing from their usual hangouts without much explanation.

“Seriously, what’s up with him?” Jin mused one evening as they sat together in their dorm room, the remnants of dinner scattered around them. He absentmindedly twirled his chopsticks between his fingers. “He’s been acting weird, like he has a secret or something.”

Namjoon leaned back in his chair, adjusting his glasses as he considered Jin’s words. “It’s not unusual for him to seek out solitude, but this feels different. He’s been distant, like he’s got something on his mind.”

Jin nodded, determination written on his face. “I’m going to get it out of him. Jungkook can’t keep this up forever. It’s like he’s living in his own world.”

“Good luck with that,” Namjoon replied with a chuckle. “You know how he is—tight-lipped when it comes to sharing his feelings.”

Jin smirked. “I’ll crack him open. Just watch me.”

Meanwhile, under the starry sky each night, Jungkook found himself returning to the same park, drawn by the soft voice that echoed through the stillness. He had become a regular listener to the boy poetry readings, enchanted by the way the words flowed from the young poet’s lips. He didn’t know much about him—only that he often sat beneath a specific tree, immersed in his craft.

Jungkook would find a hidden spot nearby, settled on a bench just out of sight. He’d listen quietly, the enchanting rhythm of the boy voice enveloping him like a warm embrace. Each poem was a new experience, each line a window into a world he had never known.

“In the quiet of the night,
Where shadows softly creep,
Words become a melody,
In the silence, dreams leap.”

Each night, he left with a sense of fulfillment, his heart lighter than before. The poems resonated within him, providing a solace he hadn’t realized he needed. The boy voice became a soundtrack to Jungkook’s thoughts, a calming presence in the chaos of college life.

Yet, despite the connection he felt to the guy words, Jungkook remained a mystery to both Jin and Namjoon. The two friends grew more curious with each passing day, their concern for Jungkook growing as well.

The following night, after another one of Jungkook's unexplained absences, Jin confronted him as they returned from class. “So, what’s been going on with you? You keep disappearing, and you never tell us where you go. Are you avoiding us?”

Jungkook shrugged, attempting to play it cool. “I’m just busy, that’s all. Sometimes I need some space to think.”

“Think? Or avoiding us?” Jin pressed, raising an eyebrow. “Because that’s what it sounds like you’ve been doing.”

Jungkook felt a flush of guilt creep up his neck. “I’m just… exploring new interests,” he replied, not entirely lying but certainly not revealing the whole truth. He glanced away, avoiding Jin’s piercing gaze.

Namjoon interjected, his voice calm yet curious. “You know we’re here for you, right? If something’s bothering you, you can talk to us.”

“I appreciate it, but really, I’m fine,” Jungkook insisted, forcing a smile. “I just need some time to myself.”

As he turned away, both Jin and Namjoon exchanged concerned glances. Jungkook had always been the quiet one, but this felt different. There was an underlying depth to his secretive behavior, and they couldn’t shake the feeling that something more was going on.

Meanwhile, the boy continued to recite his poetry each night, unaware of the quiet observer who had become enchanted by his words. Jungkook was just another face in the crowd, hidden in the shadows, soaking in the beauty of the verses that unfolded like a tapestry of emotions.

As the week went on, Jungkook found himself caught in a delicate balance—torn between wanting to meet the boy behind the beautiful poetry and his innate tendency to retreat into himself. Each night, as he listened to the boy pour his heart into his words, Jungkook felt an urge to reveal himself, to share in the beauty of the moment.

But for now, he remained a silent admirer, captivated by the boy who brought light to his nights through the power of poetry.

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