Chapter 15: The Search for Friendship

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Jungkook approached the familiar spot in the park with a mix of hope and trepidation. It had been a few days since he last saw Jimin, and despite the rejection still stinging in his heart, he believed that perhaps they could still salvage their friendship. The thought of losing Jimin entirely was unbearable.

As he arrived, the sun dipped low in the sky, casting a golden hue over the area where they usually met. Jungkook scanned the surroundings, searching for any sign of Jimin, but the bench remained empty, the air thick with silence. The absence of Jimin’s laughter and the sound of his reciting poetry echoed painfully in Jungkook's mind.

He sat down on the bench, his heart heavy with disappointment. Why hasn’t he come? Jungkook thought, biting his lip. Did I really made him uncomfortable? He hadn’t expected to feel so lost without their nightly meetings, where Jimin’s words brought warmth and solace to his heart.

Determined to make things right, Jungkook decided to wait. He replayed the moments they had shared in his mind, the way Jimin’s voice wrapped around him like a comforting blanket, the way he could lose track of time listening to his poems. He could still hear Jimin’s soft laughter and the way he would tease him about his awkwardness.

As the minutes turned into an hour, Jungkook’s hope began to wane. He glanced around the park, watching couples stroll hand in hand, groups of friends laughing together, and families enjoying their time outside. Yet, Jimin was nowhere to be found. He sighed, feeling the familiar ache in his chest grow.

What do I do now? Jungkook thought, frustration bubbling beneath the surface. He had never thought to exchange contact information with Jimin. Their bond felt so natural, like an unspoken agreement that they would always find each other at their special spot. Now, he felt foolish for not having taken that small step.

He leaned back against the bench, staring at the clouds drifting overhead, lost in thought. Maybe I could ask around? But he quickly dismissed the idea. He didn’t want to burden anyone with his feelings, especially not Jimin. The last thing he wanted was to make things worse.

As night began to fall, Jungkook felt a wave of resignation wash over him. He was about to get up and leave when he caught a glimpse of a figure in the distance. His heart raced as he sat up straight, hope igniting within him. But as the figure came closer, Jungkook realized it wasn’t Jimin—it was just a group of friends walking past, laughing and enjoying their time together.

Feeling defeated, Jungkook decided to head home. He walked slowly, kicking at the pebbles on the path, his thoughts consumed by Jimin’s absence. What if he doesn’t want to see me again? What if he really needs time? The uncertainty gnawed at him, making every step feel heavier.

As he reached the exit of the park, Jungkook glanced back one last time, a sense of longing washing over him. He whispered into the night air, “I just want to see you again, Jimin.”

With that, he turned and walked away, his heart aching, but the flicker of hope remained—perhaps tomorrow would be different. Perhaps tomorrow, Jimin would find his way back to their bench, ready to share his poetry and laughter once more. Jungkook just had to believe that their friendship was worth fighting for.

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