Chapter 17: Unseen Truths

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Jungkook’s heart felt heavy as he made his way out of the café. The laughter that had once filled him with warmth now felt like a painful reminder of what he could no longer have. Each step toward the exit weighed down his spirits, the image of Jimin with the other guy etched painfully in his mind. Why does it hurt so much to see him happy with someone else?

As he stepped outside, the cool air hit him, but it did little to alleviate the burning ache in his chest. To his surprise, he spotted Jimin standing alone, looking lost in thought, his gaze fixed downward. The smile that usually lit up his face was replaced by an expression of discomfort. Jungkook paused, a mix of concern and longing bubbling up inside him. Is he waiting for that guy?

Just as Jungkook was about to take a step closer, he watched as someone accidentally bumped into Jimin. The force caused Jimin to stumble slightly, and Jungkook’s heart raced in alarm as he saw Jimin's phone tumble from his hand and hit the pavement with a thud.

“Oh, I’m so sorry!” the stranger exclaimed, quickly bending down to help. Jimin simply smiled, brushing it off as if it were nothing. Jungkook's heart twisted as he watched Jimin crouching down, his hands trembling slightly as he searched for his phone.

He felt a surge of protectiveness. Why does he look so lost? Jungkook felt rooted in place, his heart aching for the boy who seemed to be searching for something precious but was unaware of how much he was adored.

“Where is it?” Jimin murmured, his fingers grazing the ground as he searched with a mix of determination and fear of losing his belongings.

Then, the same guy who had been joking with Jimin earlier appeared, crouching down beside him. “Here it is!” he said, lifting Jimin's phone with a smile. “I’ve got it.”

Jimin's expression softened as he accepted the phone, gratitude flooding his features. “Thank you!” he said, the warmth of his smile radiating even from a distance.

“Let’s go, Jimin,” the guy said, and Jungkook’s heart sank further as he witnessed the ease with which Jimin interacted with him.

But then, Jungkook’s breath caught in his throat. He watched as Jimin reached into the pocket of his long jacket and pulled out a folding cane. The revelation hit Jungkook like a tidal wave.

His heart raced as he processed the scene before him. Memories of their time together flooded back. Jimin rarely made eye contact. There were only a couple of moments when their gazes connected, but even then, it felt fleeting, as if Jimin was unsure where to look.

Every night they met, Jimin would always ask Jungkook to go home first, never wanting him to wait or walk with him. The realization settled heavily on Jungkook’s heart. It was as if Jimin had been protecting him from the weight of his world, a world that Jungkook had been too blind to see.

The memories of their time together began to replay in Jungkook’s mind like a slideshow—moments that now seemed so different under this new light. The way Jimin would tilt his head, as if trying to catch a glimpse of him through sound alone, or how he would laugh, a sound so genuine that it made Jungkook's heart flutter. Yet, he now recognized the underlying struggle, the quiet resilience Jimin wore like armor.

A knot formed in Jungkook’s throat as he recalled the times Jimin had always seemed so eager to ask him to go home first, as if wanting to spare him the burden of seeing him navigate a world he could not fully engage with. It was all starting to make sense, yet it hurt more than he had anticipated.

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