Chapter 9: A Leap of Faith

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The next evening, the moon hung low in the sky, casting a silvery glow over the park where Jimin often found solace. Jungkook stood at the edge of the tree line, his heart pounding in his chest. He had made up his mind to approach the poet whose words had captured his heart. Tonight was the night he would take the leap.

With a deep breath, he stepped forward, the soft crunch of leaves underfoot breaking the serene silence of the night. As he approached the familiar spot beneath the tree, he noticed Jimin sitting with his eyes closed, his phone resting on his lap. Jungkook felt a mixture of nerves and excitement, wondering how he would begin this conversation.

“Hey,” Jungkook said softly, his voice breaking the quiet.

Jimin’s eyes fluttered open, and he looked up, startled but not quite meeting Jungkook's gaze. “Oh, um… hi,” he replied, his voice hesitant. There was a momentary pause as Jimin shifted, almost as if adjusting to the new presence beside him.

“I’ve been coming here a lot, and I’ve heard your poems,” Jungkook admitted, a sheepish smile forming on his lips. “They’re really beautiful.”

Jimin’s cheeks flushed slightly at the compliment, but he quickly looked away, his movements a bit too careful. “Thanks, I just… I write what I feel,” Jimin responded softly, his voice quiet but steady.

Jungkook took a cautious step closer, sensing Jimin’s unease but unsure why. “I can tell. Your words—they resonate. They have this way of capturing emotions that are hard to express.”

Jimin smiled faintly, but his eyes remained distant, as though he was staring just past Jungkook rather than at him. “I guess that’s the point,” he said lightly, fingers absentmindedly brushing his phone.

There was a brief silence between them, the stillness of the night wrapping around them both. Wanting to ease the tension, Jungkook started to hum softly, the same melody he had hummed the previous nights while listening to Jimin’s poetry.

The tune seemed to fill the air, and Jimin’s expression softened. He looked up, his lips curving into a small smile. “That’s a nice song,” he said, his voice warmer now, more at ease.

Jungkook grinned, encouraged by Jimin’s reaction. “You know it?”

“I do,” Jimin replied, the faintest tremor in his voice. “It’s really calming.”

“I hum it when I’m thinking,” Jungkook explained, sitting down beside Jimin, though Jimin didn’t react to the movement. “It helps me clear my head. Especially when I’m feeling inspired.”

Jimin’s smile widened slightly. “You must be thinking a lot when you’re out here,” he said with a soft chuckle. His head turned toward Jungkook, but his gaze still didn’t quite meet his eyes.

Jungkook didn’t notice, his excitement growing as they continued to talk. “Yeah, I guess so. Your poetry… it really makes me think,” he confessed, feeling bolder. “It’s like you understand emotions in a way that’s hard to put into words, but you manage to do it so well.”

Jimin chuckled softly, his fingers brushing a stray leaf on the ground beside him. “I try,” he replied, his voice quieter now, almost thoughtful.

“So,” Jungkook said, leaning back against the tree, “what are you working on tonight?”

“I’m just… trying to capture the way the night feels,” Jimin replied, turning his head slightly toward the sky, though he didn’t seem to focus on anything specific. “Sometimes, it feels like there’s so much happening, even when everything’s still.”

Jungkook nodded, though he wasn’t sure if Jimin saw the gesture. “I get that,” he said. “The quiet, the way everything seems to breathe around you.”

Jimin smiled again, his expression softening at Jungkook’s words. “Yeah. Exactly.”

Jungkook suddenly paused, realizing something important. His face flushed slightly, and he let out a soft, awkward laugh. “Oh, wow, I just realized… I never introduced myself,” he admitted, feeling a little embarrassed. “I’ve been talking all this time, and I didn’t even tell you my name.”

Jimin tilted his head slightly, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. “That’s okay,” he said, his voice soft but amused. “I guess I didn’t introduce myself either.”

Jungkook rubbed the back of his neck, grinning sheepishly. “I’m Jungkook. Nice to meet you… officially.”

Jimin’s smile widened, and he shifted slightly, turning towards the sound of Jungkook’s voice. “I’m Jimin. It’s nice to meet you, too.”

They both chuckled, the earlier tension melting away as they shared the simplicity of introducing themselves. The moment felt light and easy, like they had just taken a step closer to each other.

Their eyes met briefly, the warmth in his smile made it easy for Jungkook to overlook. For a moment, everything seemed to fall into place, their connection deepening with each passing second under the moonlit sky.

With the weight of introductions behind them, the silence that followed was filled with a new sense of comfort. They both smiled, feeling that something had shifted—something important and good.

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