Chapter 12: A Proposal of the Heart

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The café buzzed with life, a symphony of laughter and clinking cups blending into a warm backdrop. Brightly colored fairy lights hung from the ceiling, casting a soft glow that wrapped around the patrons like a cozy blanket. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee and baked pastries filled the air, creating an inviting atmosphere. But in a secluded corner, where the noise faded into a gentle hum, Jungkook felt a different kind of energy. It pulsed through him, vibrant yet tinged with nervous anticipation, as he sat across from his two best friends, Jin and Namjoon.

The two of them were animatedly discussing the latest college gossip, their voices rising and falling with the excitement of the unfolding stories. Namjoon, the thoughtful strategist of their trio, was explaining the ins and outs of a recent campus scandal, while Jin, the joker with an infectious laugh, chimed in with his signature grandpa jokes that always had Jungkook rolling his eyes yet chuckling nonetheless. They were a perfect pair: Jin’s exuberance balanced by Namjoon’s calm intellect. Jungkook felt a swell of appreciation for their friendship, but today was different—he had something important to share.

“Guys, can I talk to you about something important?” Jungkook began, a hint of nervousness creeping into his voice. His fingers drummed lightly against the wooden table, betraying his anxiety.

Jin and Namjoon exchanged curious glances, sensing the shift in Jungkook’s demeanor. “What’s up, Jungkook? You look serious,” Jin said, leaning in with genuine concern.

Taking a deep breath, Jungkook looked from one friend to the other, his heart pounding. “It’s about Jimin.”

At the mention of Jimin’s name, both Jin and Namjoon perked up, their interest piqued. Jin leaned closer, his expression shifting from curiosity to encouragement. “Oh? What about him?”

“I really like him,” Jungkook admitted, his cheeks warming slightly. “Like, I think I’m falling for him.”

“About time!” Jin exclaimed, a broad grin spreading across his face. “We’ve been waiting for you to realize that! So, what’s the plan?”

Jungkook felt a mix of excitement and anxiety fluttering in his stomach. “I want to ask him to be my boyfriend,” he said, his heart racing at the thought. “I’ve never felt this way about anyone before. It just feels right with him.”

Namjoon nodded thoughtfully, his brows furrowing slightly as he processed Jungkook’s words. “That’s a big step, Jungkook. Are you sure you want to do this? It could change your friendship.”

“I know,” Jungkook replied, his voice steady despite the nerves swirling inside him. “But I can’t keep pretending I don’t have these feelings. Jimin deserves to know how I feel. I want to propose it in a special way, something that shows him how much he means to me.”

Jin leaned forward, his excitement palpable as he bounced slightly in his seat. “That sounds amazing! You could write him a poem or something! Jimin loves poetry, right?”

“Yes! That’s perfect!” Jungkook exclaimed, his mind racing with possibilities. “I could recite it under the stars, just like we do every night. It’ll be a moment just for us.” The image of Jimin’s face lighting up with surprise and joy filled him with a warm sense of determination.

Namjoon grinned, clearly impressed. “You’ve got this, Jungkook. Just be sincere and speak from the heart. That’s what will matter most to him.”

“Exactly!” Jin added enthusiastically. “And remember, it’s okay to be nervous. Just look into his eyes and let him know how you feel. You’ve already built a beautiful friendship; this is just the next step.”

Jungkook’s heart swelled with gratitude as he absorbed their words. With his friends' encouragement fueling his resolve, he felt a wave of determination wash over him. “I’m going to do it tonight,” he declared, his voice firm. “I’ll find the right words and make it special for him.”

As they finished their drinks, the camaraderie among them enveloped Jungkook in a comforting embrace. The laughter and chatter of the café faded into the background as he envisioned the evening ahead. The excitement bubbling in his chest mingled with the fear of the unknown, but he felt ready to take the leap, to turn his feelings into something tangible. With Jin and Namjoon by his side, he knew he could face whatever came next, confident that love was worth every risk.

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