Episode 4- Cherry Blossom Tree

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(Gaeul's narrative POV.)
Before I go to Japan, I gave the offer of flower to my grandma's altar tree, the sugar maple tree that is very important tree to me.

Gaeul: "Grandma, I'll be back with you soon."
"I will go to Japan and to find dad there."
"Dad got lost in Japan."

When I arrived to Japan, I caught a train with my mother, brother, Jeong Eui and Ji Won as we enjoyed this peaceful ride on a train to see the beautiful view outside of window train.

It's my first time in Japan

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It's my first time in Japan. No matter what, I will find my dad and to bring him home. After we arrived to the destination of the countryside, we saw many sakura trees in Japan.

[Episode 4- Sakura Tree.]
Gaeul, Ga Yoon, Gaeul's mother, Jeong Eui and Ji Won is check in the motel place from the countryside near Nagoya and it's a very small motel place but yet very pretty place with Japanese traditional house.

When Rei the manager of motel is dancing with her Tiktok account, Gaeul and her group came inside to disturb her Tiktok video

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When Rei the manager of motel is dancing with her Tiktok account, Gaeul and her group came inside to disturb her Tiktok video.

Gaeul: "What the fuck...?"

As she mumbled while looking at Rei dancing in front of her desk counter

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As she mumbled while looking at Rei dancing in front of her desk counter.

Rei: "Oh konichiwa, welcome to Sakura's motel, how can I help you?"

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