Episode 3 part 3

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Jeong Eui: "Shut up, you creature."
"This girl was my little sister and you can be charge for grabbing her hand like this."

He told him.

Costumer man: "Come here, you rude costumer."

He fumed, as he stands up against him.

Jeong Eui: "You think I can't beat your ass up?"

Jeong Eui begins to rage in to touch the costumer but his father stopped him going near him by pulling his back away from that creepy man.

Jiwon: "Oppa!"

Jiwon: "Oppa!"

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She cried.

Seung Hwan: "Enough, Jeong Eui, you two go away and let me handle this."

As he told while looking at a costumer man. Jeong Eui calms down thanks to his father and he threw his own apron at costumer man's face.

Seung Hwan: "Jeong Eui, stop it!!"

He angrily yelled, then Jeong Eui went back upstair while pulling Jiwon's hand with him too.

Jeong Eui: "Let's go, Jiwon."

As he went upstair with Jiwon briefly while holding Jiwon's hand.

Mihwa: "What is going on in here?"

As their mother walked here to see the problem. Seung Hwan begins to call the police by his phone.

Costumer man: "What are you doing?"

As he asked Seung Hwan.

Seung Hwan: "I'm calling the police, we got security camera here so I need police to check the video footage."

He replied.

Costumer man: "Aish, what a rude workers."
"I will leave the bad review for sure, I'm not done with you yet!"
"I'll come back for sure!!"

As he left the restaurant while pointing at Jeong Eui's father. Seung Hwan sighs and he puts his phone down.

Mihwa: "What happened here? Jeong Eui look so angry with that man."

She worried. When Jeong Eui was upstair with Jiwon while sitting on the couch with her, he checked her hand.

Jeong Eui: "Your hand is red, is it hurt?"

He shocked.

Jiwon: "No, it's fine."

As she pulled her hand away from him.

Jeong Eui: "I cannot let him go like this."

As he stands up but Jiwon pulled him down back on the couch again.

Jiwon: "I said it's fine, okay?!"

She yelled, then Jeong Eui remains calm with Jiwon.

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