Episode 8 Pine Tree

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At this beautiful Seoul place of daytime, with hips of cars and people around in this big place, there is so much snow in Seoul.

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There was this girl named Lee Hyun Seo, she was running down the street in her own neighborhood with her smile face while she was holding a basket

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There was this girl named Lee Hyun Seo, she was running down the street in her own neighborhood with her smile face while she was holding a basket. She went to the shop to buy a Christmas decoration and a wrap of present too as she look so excited for her Christmas holiday. Lee Hyun Seo was the daughter of Gaeul's uncle as she was related to Gaeul. Then Gaeul's uncle hired many lumberjack men to carry a pine tree to his house and to leave it in his living room so he can use that pine tree as a Christmas tree. Gaeul's uncle named was Lee Deok Hwa and his wife's named was Yoon Seo Mi.

Deok Hwa: "Haha! We finally got a Christmas tree!"

He laughed.

Seo Mi: "Wow! The tree look so pretty! I can't wait for Hyun Seo to bring Christmas decoration home."

She proud.

Lumberjack man: "Hi, the price will be $140."

Hyun Seo has returned home with her Christmas decoration and to help her parents decorating the pine tree together as they lived in the rich luxury house with double story. Deok Hwa is climbing a ladder to put a star on top of a pine tree. After decorating some tree, Hyun Seo's family look so happy that their Christmas tree look so fancy with some decoration and lights on it. Then Deok Hwa got his phone call ringing from his phone and he's answering his call.

Seo Mi: "Who's calling you?"

His wife asked, as Hyun Seo also looked at her dad calling someone else.

Deok Hwa: "I think my little sister called me, hello?"

As he answered his phone.

Il Hwa: "Oppa, Gaeul is coming over to your house, is she there yet?"

She asked.

Deok Hwa: "Huh? Gaeul is coming to my house??"

He surprised, then Hyun Seo look so surprised when she heard Gaeul is coming to her house.

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