Episode 3- Four Seasonal Trees

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Stormy sea in the day time with dark cloud shrouding in the sky like eclipse, thunder rumbles and rain heavily falls. Gaeul's father with his fishermen are preparing to cross the giant wave sea on a ship as their fate.

"Sail down, we have to cross the wave and hold on tight!" Yelled a fisherman, as he begin to let the sail drop down. All sails dropped down so the ship can cross the giant wave more easier.

"Is he crazy?! Are we really crossing that giant wave?!" Cried another fisherman.

Gaeul's father: "We will die if we don't try, we ain't got no other choice."

When Gaeul's mother is watching the tv news in her restaurant home while she was serving food for the eat in costumers and rain heavily falls, she was shook when the news reporter said it was a terrible typhoon weather for the fishermen and fishermen will not be able to survive in this stormy rain. She was shook because her husband was on the sea and he is in great danger, she gasped while dropping the plate of food into shattered of pieces on the floor to scared the costumers.

"Ma'am, are you okay?" Asked a costumer.

Il Hwa: "Oh, I'm so sorry! I will make another one!"

She cried, as she quickly clean the broken glasses up but she end up having her finger bleeding while she grunts.

Ga Yoon: "Mum, what's wrong?"

As he walked towards to his mother and to help her clean the floor with a broom and a dustpan.

Il Hwa: "No, it's okay."

As she tried to snatch a broom and dustpan away from him but he wouldn't let her.

Ga Yoon: "No, have a rest and I will clean it."

He insisted.

Il Hwa: "I'm so sorry, I will cook another tteokbokki for you..."

As she bowed down to the costumer and to slowly walk to the kitchen, she kept hearing the news talking about the bad weather on the sea from her tv.

"What the? She doesn't look too well, shall we go somewhere else?" Muttered a costumer while a customer talking to another costumer.

"It's raining outside, how are we supposed to get out?" Complained another costumer.

When Ga Yoon was sweeping the mess from the floor, Gaeul's mother doesn't feel so well so she collapsed down on the floor and got fainted.

Ga Yoon: "Mum!!!"

He shouted while dropping a broom and dustpan down, left everyone bewildered and shocked as Ga Yoon is checking for his mother. The thunder rumbles and heavily rain falls on the mountain, Gaeul and Jeong Eui managed to stay inside of the greenhouse for a shelter to avoid the rain while they were sitting down quietly. Poor deers using a tree as a shelter away from rain. Gaeul and Jeong Eui got all wet because of rain, Gaeul shivered in cold. So he gave his brown jacket for Gaeul to wear.

Gaeul: "Thank you."

As she warmly wore his brown cosy jacket, shivering in cold. Both sitting still quietly and heavily rain continues, thunder gently rumbles afar.

Gaeul: "My dad is still on the sea far away, it's not a good idea to sail on the stormy sea when raining."

As she spoke without looking at him, feeling cold to her frostbite face.

Jeong Eui: "Rain can be happening, I'm sure your dad will be fine."

As he spoke to cheer her up.

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