Kim Gaeul was a student from Toro village of South Korea countryside. She fall in love with the boy from her next door who was her childhood friend named Kim Jeong Eui. Their parents are both opening their restaurant shop as a Toro neighborhoo...
Rei: "Gaeul texted me her address and she wants me to come here." "I heard what happened to her, who would do something to kill her?"
She spoke. As Rei and Jeong Eui was chilling in Gaeul's coma ward room together.
Rei: "Whoever did this to Gaeul, I hope they will rot in jail and to pay for their consequences."
Jeong Eui looks very depressed while listening to Rei as he kept looking down. Then he slowly looking up at Gaeul's face as she still fast asleep. He sighs.
Rei: "Gaeul unnie, wake up." "I'm here, I thought you want me here, you shouldn't sleep like this."
As she stands up and to touch Gaeul.
Rei: "I will really go back to Japan if you don't open your eyes."
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She warned, her hands embracing on Gaeul.
Jeong Eui: "So who is looking after your Sakura motel?"
He asked her.
Rei: "Ah, my aunty is taking care of my motel."
She replied.
Jeong Eui: "I see, I don't know how long Gaeul will be wake up, but I will take you home to my house." "You will be staying with Ji Won tonight."
He told her. Then Jeong Eui took Rei home with his motorbike as she also got her suitcase on her too.
Rei: "Wow, this countryside look so nice and peaceful with snow than Seoul."
She smiled.
Jeong Eui: "Yes, welcome to Toro village." "I can take you anywhere in Toro if you like."
As he spoke back while driving his motorbike. Jeong Eui took Rei to his house, as Yuri saw Jeong Eui bringing Rei to his house from her house as her house was in front of Jeong Eui's house. She begins to record Jeong Eui bringing Rei to his house.
Yuri: "I caught you red handed for cheating on Gaeul."
As she smirked while recording Jeong Eui bringing Rei inside to his house from the window of her house. When Rei is at Ji Won's room with her suitcase and bag while she was sitting on Ji Won's bed, she saw many cute decoration around Ji Won's room including her desk table for her to study. Then Ji Won came inside of her room to see Rei and Ji Won gasped.