Episode 6 part 2

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While Gaeul was studying tonight with her laptop in her room, her phone is ringing and she answered Jeong Eui's call.

Gaeul: "Hello?"

As she answered his call.

Jeong Eui: "What are you doing?"

As he was calling Gaeul from his room. 

Gaeul: "I'm studying, I got my laptop fixed already."

As she replied while doing her homework.

Jeong Eui: "That's good to hear, but does your parents know that we're dating?"

He asked her.

Gaeul: "Not yet, what about your parents?"

She asked back.

Jeong Eui: "Same here, how are we supposed to explain to them?"

He asked her back, both were not knowing what to do next in order to tell their parents about their relationship.

Gaeul: "We'll think about that later."
"Have you eaten yet?"

She asked him.

Jeong Eui: "I have, you?"

He asked her back.

Gaeul: "I have too."

She replied.

Jeong Eui: "Can I come to your room tonight?"
"I want to hug you."

He asked her.

Gaeul: "No, my family will misunderstood us."
"It's not the right time to expose our relationship yet because I'm still young."

She refused, as she was continuing to do her homework with her laptop while calling him.

Jeong Eui: "What do you mean misunderstood when we're dating for real?"

He bewildered.

Gaeul: "It's not what I mean, if my parents know that I had a boyfriend at my young age..."
"They will not let me study again, so I need to focus on my study for my future."

She explained, as he emotionally listened to her on his phone. Jeong Eui was too speechless to speak to her.

Gaeul; "I'm busy, and don't take me home from school again or else it will affect my study."
"The students will talk a lot about us, bye."

Then she hangs up the call first and to continuing to do her homework. Jeong Eui slowly texting to her but he hesitate to send her a message when he said "When can we go out and kiss again?".
Then he erased the words and not knowing what to text her next.

Jeong Eui: "Why is Gaeul being cold hearted to me after she kissed me...?"

As he was bewildered while talking to himself. In the very next morning later at Monday, Gaeul was using a cream product to rub on her skin in the bathroom and to get ready for school as she was walking with Yuri to school. Gaeul was texting to Jeong Eui while walking with Yuri.

Jeong Eui: Have you arrived to school yet?

Gaeul: I have, I will text you after school. You should look after the vegetables on the mountain too.

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