Episode 6 part 5

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Principal: "Are you not gonna tell us what happened?"

He repeated. Gaeul seems to be pressured up at school as Haerin's parents does not look happy with Gaeul.

Haerin's mother: "Look here, whatever happened, she literally just abused my daughter."
"Haerin doesn't feel safe when this thug goes to my daughter's school."

She worried.

Gaeul: "I beat up your daughter for the vengeance because she hit my friend first."
"I was just trying to protect my friend, don't you see the video properly?"

As she argued at Haerin's mother.

Haerin's mother: "So your parents taught you how to talk back to grown up?"

She scoffed.

Gaeul: "Then learn the fact right before you judge people's book cover."

She argued again.

Principal: "Enough, calm down, all of you."

As he quietly spoke.

Principal: "I blamed on both Haerin and Gaeul for breaking the school policy rules regardless of their particular reason."
"It's either way they go to jail for school violence or getting suspended at school for 1 week."

He spoke, as he smacked his lips while placing his both hands on his knee harder.

Il Hwa: "Wait, doesn't Gaeul have exam this month?"
"I mean she needs to do exam before she goes to university at Seoul though."
"It's December and she nearly left this school after graduation."

She worried.

Haerin's mother: "Same goes to my daughter too, can you please forgive my daughter and sued Gaeul instead?"

She begged.

Haerin's father: "Haerin needs that exam and it's really important, please forgive my daughter!"
"I will punish her by myself if you want!"

He begged too.

Il Hwa: "Hey! Don't be selfish! Your daughter also hit one of the student as well though!!"

As she yelled at Haerin's mother.

Policeman: "That's enough, everyone."
"I understand about this school violence and I think it's important for them to take exam first before they get the punishment."
"It's because it's nearly their last day at school when they will leave school this month."

He spoke.

Policeman: "So when will they have exam?"

As he asked the principal.

Principal: "I'm afraid this Friday, sorrowfully it's their consequences."

He sighed.

Policeman: "Thank you for calling me here but the kids need to take exam on Friday before their last day at school."
"I will call the lawyer to write a punishment fined for Gaeul and Haerin instead of suspending them."
"This is the best school safety I could ever help."

As he shrugged his both shoulders and eyebrows.

Il Hwa: "Wait, does that mean my daughter can still go to school?"

She worried.

Policeman: "Yes, but I will write a form and your job was to sign a paper and to pay a fined for your daughter."
"Same goes to you, Haerin's parents."

He replied.

Mu Po: "But how much is the fined?"

He asked.

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