Episode 5 part 3

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Gaeul's father has some thoughtful mind for too long while the rest of them is enjoying the party with foods and drinks at home.

Il Hwa: "Honey?"

As she repeated while staring at her husband.

Da In: "Maybe he is drunk...?"

As she wondered while looking at Gaeul's father

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As she wondered while looking at Gaeul's father.

Mu Po: "All of them didn't make."

He sighed, as he told in regret while looking down and to drink a cup of wine.

Da In: "Omo, that's so sad... Does that mean...?"

As she stammered with her sad face while talking quietly, all being quiet in the silent moment after Gaeul's father said this. Mihwa sighs deeply.

Il Hwa: "It's so crazy that they made a funerals for all of your workers including you at the church."

She told.

Mu Po: "Is that so? When is that?"

As he asked his wife with his attention way while looking at her.

Il Hwa: "Not long ago, but their family is in devastated, you sure your whole colleagues are dead?"

She asked, Mu Po sighs instead of replying to his wife.

Il Hwa: "You should at least explain to them what happened, there's no way that they die, right?"

She worried.

Mihwa: "Come to think of it, maybe they survived on the far away island after being sweep by the stormy sea?"
"Maybe they went missing but couldn't get home, don't you think so?"

She thought.

Seung Hwan: "We're not sure about what happened to other fishermen."
"What's the point of stressing out when Ga Yoon's father is here at least?"

As he shake his head while sighing.

Da In: "Don't take him there! People will bother your husband like a pest."

As she told Il Hwa.

Il Hwa: "But still, I feel very bad for them, they're all deserve to know what happened to their son or husband."

As she spoke back to Yuri's mother.

Mu Po: "I should go and give condolence for them."
"We can't let them suffer in suspense."

He thought.

Mihwa: "What do you mean condolence? Just say they went missing, missing."

As she argued at Mu Po with her shock face.

Il Hwa: "Yes, they will be all panic if you said they passes out."

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