Episode 7 part 2

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Bom: "Mum, dad, Chu Seok left me to Seoul."
"What am I supposed to do when I have his baby?"

As I worried while talking to my parent's grave. I was pregnant after Chu Seok left me.

Bom: "Mum, dad, why don't you ever turn into a tree for me?"
"It's not fair when I don't even know what your face look like and I don't even have your picture either."

As I wept in front of my parent's grave

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As I wept in front of my parent's grave. I've waited for his call for so long but he didn't call me at all. So it looks like a good bye to me when he is happy with his new life than me. He didn't even kiss me nor hug me before he goes to Seoul, his house was empty this morning when I visited his house. So I asked my grandfather what my mother and father looks like...

Bom's grandfather: "Your mother is so pretty like you, even though she look a little bit like you but you look like your father more when he was your age."

He told me.

Bom: "Tell me more about them."

As I softly spoke to my grandpa while I shed my tears down to my cheeks.

Bom's grandfather: "Your mother named you Bom, Bom means spring."
"Because you were born in the spring season."

He told me, then I smiled at him talking with me. In 9 months later, I gave birth to a boy in the hospital as I screamed in agony. Nurse let me hold a baby and it's a boy, so I named him Kim Mu Po.
(End of Bom's narrative POV, Episode 7, Timeless Tale)

Jeong Eui is driving to the mountain by his motorbike while Gaeul sit at the back seat to hold his both shoulders. Jeong Eui looking so serious in his face when riding his motorbike. After they arrived on the mountain, Jeong Eui checked every of his stumps but unfortunately none of them grow a single leaf here. Jeong Eui wiping his jaws while sighing and there is so much snow on the mountain than every places of Toro village. Shaking his head and he sighs again with his disappointed feelings. Gaeul hugged his back to console him.

Gaeul: "Hey, it's okay, your trees will grow soon."

As she softly spoke to him while embracing his back, both staring at many stumps on a mountain. Not knowing what to do on the snowy mountain but to stare at every stumps and Gaeul continuing to hug his back.

Gaeul: "There was this book called Timeless Tale, this legend story was about a dead person can turn into a tree."
"My grandma had this book when she was young like me."

She spoke, then she begins to sit down on a stump and to cuddle herself while shivering. Jeong Eui took his black long jacket off and to wear it on for Gaeul. Gaeul wore his black jacket.

Gaeul: "Thank you, it's getting more cold on the snowy mountain."

As she shivered with her sibilant sound.

Jeong Eui: "Let's get you back inside of greenhouse, it's cold outside."

He told.

Gaeul: "No, it's okay."

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