So we're like BOYFRIENDS.

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Mingyu's class ended and although he was supposed to go back to Wonwoo's, he had to fill his best friends in on everything. Not the parts that had to do with Wonwoo and his trauma but instead the juicy parts.

Mingyu opened the door to his dorm and got in, taking off his shoes before walking towards the couch. He laid on top of it and waited for Minghao and Seokmin, he was sure they'd be back soon since they had classes at the same time.

After a few minutes, the door opened again and this time Minghao and Seokmin came in, talking about something.

"Oh hey Gyu! Though you were at Wonwoo hyung's dorm?" Seokmin jumped on Mingyu, trapping him in a hug. Mingyu chuckled, "I was but I had a class and I needed to tell you guys something."

The last part of his sentence made Seokmin get off Mingyu and sit up and Minghao to also rush to the couch. "Spill." Minghao demanded leaning over.

Mingyu smiled before announcing, "I KISSED JEON WONWOO AND HE DIDN'T RUN AWAY!" He raised his fists up and looked at his roommates who stared at him with their mouths hung open.

"Oh. My. God." They looked at each other before turning back to Mingyu and squealing, "THEY'RE DATING!"

Mingyu quickly shook his hands making them stop. "We're not dating...yet." Mingyu corrected and Seokmin pouted while Minghao's brows furrowed.

"Why not?" He said getting up from the couch. "Well I want to take it slow, it's not just my feelings, Wonwoo hyung's feelings matter too." Mingyu explained and the two nodded in understanding.

"Well why are you still here?" Seokmin raised Mingyu up from the seat and pushed him to the door. "Go get your man!" Seokmin cheered and Minghao chuckled before joining in. "Yes! Go get your man!"

He joined Seokmin in pushing Mingyu out. "Wait! My shoes!" Mingyu pointed to his shoes under the rack which Minghao picked up and threw outside.

"Kindly don't come back!" Minghao yelled as Seokmin shut the door. They were so unbelievably supportive, he loved them so much.

Mingyu got to Wonwoo's dorm and knocked on the door only to be greeted by Hoshi and Jihoon. Shocked, he stepped away from the door.

"Mingyu-ya." Hoshi called. Mingyu looked at him but didn't respond. He was still pissed at how they'd treated Wonwoo. "We just wanted to apologise, we were wrong for all the shitty things we did and Wonwoo didn't deserve it and we made sure to apologise to him. We know we don't deserve the forgiveness and he doesn't even have to forgive us but we just wanted him to know we're sorry." Hoshi explained.

"And we also wanted to say thank you. I've never seen Wonwoo smile as bright as he does when he's with you. You're really important to him and you're exactly what we should have been to him and we're sorry we let him down and you down as well but we're also very happy that he found you and we're grateful for you." Jihoon finished off and the two broke eye contact, ready to walk away.

"I'm sorry that I yelled at you hyungs." Mingyu admitted and the two looked up, keeping their focus on Mingyu. "I shouldn't have... and as long as you've apologized and will show actual change... then everything's good with me." Mingyu opened his arms and Hoshi flew into them while Jihoon joined the hug at the exterior.

"This is so cute." Mingyu heard a voice and his eyes darted to Wonwoo and Jun who were now standing in the door frame with smiles on their faces.

"Jeon Wonwoo!" Mingyu pushed the two boys off and rushed to Wonwoo, pulling him into a hug. "Okay, rude." Hoshi folded his arms while Jihoon just chuckled.

"I think this is our cue to leave." Jihoon whispered before going over to Jun and dragging him. "Let's play games in my dorm."


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