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As Eren prepared to make his departure, you were struck by an unfamiliar mix of emotions you couldn't describe or make out of.

Realizing he was correct about the part on where he said that you barely knew him, but you couldn't just stand there and see a person you know bleeding out of his face without showing any signs of sympathy for him.

Standing there, lost in thought, you tried to reason with the confusing tangle of emotions and questions swirling around you, as the absence of Eren was no longer lingering around with you anymore.

You took a deep breath before heading back into the party grounds, and trying to find Connie. The drunk feeling started to kick in as you began to scan the kitchen that was cleaned up from any remaining blood on the floor, but no trace of the bald-guy.

Sweeping the whole back perimeter of the room, there was still no sign of him. You scoffed as you taught he left you, but decided to text him to see where he was. You pulled out your phone from your back pocket, and saw a new message from him.

"srry y/n, im sure u saw the fight between eren and jean. i had to leave
ill make it up to u tho!"

You rolled your eyes as you read his message, deciding not to reply to it as if it was a waste of time trying to explain your feelings about how he practically ditched you stranded in a party filled with randoms whom you barely knew, or much hated.

Pushing through bodies of people who were as drunk as you were, somehow you grew closer to the exit in which you anticipated that it was your cue to leave, since there was no other path for you to take.

Partially drunk, you stumbled towards the elevators as you somehow managed to press the button to open the doors. As you stepped in, your fingers began scrambling and twitching as you tried to press the number to your floor.

In response, the doors collided as you heard each chime when you descended quicker and quicker. The doors spread wide open as you walked down the dim and dark hallway to your dorm room, inserting the key into the keyhole, pushing the door wide open.

You immediately dropped your jacket to the ground as grabbed a glass to pour water inside of it and chugged it down in attempt to escape the drunkenness that cultivated you, trying your best to sober up as soon as you possibly could.

As you downed the water, you spotted a blurry figure manspreading on your couch, with his cheek resting on his palm. "Wha, what the hell is that.." You said as you slowly pointed over to whoever was intruding in your own house.

"You're fucking drunk as shit." The male called out as he rose from his couch, and now walking towards you, snatching the glass cup out of your hands. "You have tutoring tomorrow, yet you're out here drinking and wasting your own life." He said as he tossed the empty glass cup in the sink.

"Tutoring? Hah, funny." You said as you giggled out. "I'm real smart, you know that right?" You proudly said as you walked away into the living room, jumping onto the couch in where you cuddled up with the blanket that was placed near you, and rested your head onto the pillow.


Of course she was fucking drunk. She was going to be extremely hungover during tutoring tomorrow, which made my blood boil even more since how annoying she already was even when she was sober.

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