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As I grew closer, Zeke suddenly got up and limped towards me due to his fatal open wounds. In shock, I sprinted like my life depended on it. Tears ran down my eyes as I pushed through anyone and anything that got into my path. I needed to get to him,

or else it was too late. Pushing decorative plants that were outside of restaurants, throwing chairs into the streets, pushing couple's ice creams onto the floor, nothing could stop me now. Just as I was getting close to him, the world felt slow.

My vision was blurring, my legs suddenly forgot how to work, and I felt a warm oozing sensation coming out of my head. Without a warning, My body was falling straight down, landing face first onto the ground. Lights were out, but it was daytime.

"Lucas, got it cleared out yet?" I tapped on my headphone that was connected to Lucas's other pair, asking him if he did was he was told. "Yes, boss." Lucas said as he slowly lowered his gun down that was pointing straight ahead at Connie.

Without hesitation, he slid it behind his back and twisted his shoes around, walking back like nothing happened. "Well done." I smirkingly said as I disconnected the headphone that was connected to the other pair that Lucas had, and went to Y/N's location in a hurry.

Since the book I left at her place was connected to a tracker, I still have her location of her dorm room. If she isn't there, I'll probably take a nap in her bed or something.

As long as she's safe from any incoming attacks, everything should go according to plan. Y/N was nothing to me, but an innocent life needed to be saved. And honestly, I'd hate to see such a good—gi-person die in my missions.

As I whistled through her dorm room hallway, I couldn't help but notice a set of footprints that looked relatively fresh heading towards Y/N's room. My heart raced in panic and I broke into a sprinting manner, desperately hoping to reach her room before anyone beat me to it.

My hands trembled with fear as I grabbed a bobby pin that I keep in my pocket, and fumbled the lock vigorously. I picked the lock and quickly flung open the door, bursting right into the room without any hesitation or pausing.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Sasha yelled as she walked over to me, in a confrontational manner. I sprung my hands up in the air in surrender, assuring her I had nothing to do in harm. "I'm just looking for Y/N. Is she here?" I questioned Sasha as I bobbed my head over to where Y/N's room was, in search for her.

"She is here," Sasha firmly agreed as she crossed her arms defiantly across her chest. "What do you want from her?" She demanded an explanation, despite not being in a position to demand anything from me.

"She'll know what's up when she sees me. Now, move out my way." I firmly said as I gently scooted Sasha away, and walked into Y/N's room.

Y/N's POV:
The large assignment Professor Levi assigned a week ago was due today. You felt like you had a workload of just assignments pilling up on my dashboard, and felt drained as the noise of more assignments coming.

Out of nowhere, my door was suddenly slammed open, and you froze in place for a moment, assuming that it was Sasha. But, it was Eren who stood there, gazing at me with those intense eyes of his.

"Welcome back?" You questioned him as you turned off my computer, assuming he definitely had something to say to you. "You need to come with me, now." Eren said as he walked over to you, yanking your blanket off of you forcefully.

"What's going on, Eren?" You asked as a mixture of confusion and concern ran through my voice. "There is no time to explain right now. You just need to trust me and come with me, alright?" Eren responded as he tried to make his tone as calm as he could, with the intense situation that he was in.

You hesitantly slightly nodded as you got up from your bed, and slid on your shoes that were placed at your door. Eren went over to his little blanket that was on the floor and picked up his belongings, and hung it over his shoulder.

"Let's go." Eren firmly said as he walked over to the door. As the two of you walked out the room, Sasha turned to look at you confused and disappointed, like something that was inside of her, turned her perspective on you to something different.

"I'll be back, I promise." You reassured Sasha that everything was going to be fine, no matter what it was. Sasha flashed you a cheeky smile as leaned against the kitchen counter. "Have fun, Y/N." Sasha said as she unlocked the door for the both of you to leave.

Eren rushed out of the room as quick as he can, which made you wonder on what was even going on. "Why are you walking so fast? And why is it that whatever you're doing involves me!" You said as you tired to maintain your speed with him.

Eren continued to ignore you until you two reached to the elevators. Eren slammed his finger into the button as he impatiently waited for it to

"Are you feeling okay?" You said as you slightly shoved his shoulder, since he clearly wasn't even explaining anything that was going on. As the elevators began to open, Eren immediately went inside, but you didn't.

"What are you doing? Get inside." Eren firmly commanded as he glared his eyes at you. You crossed your arms across your chest and scoffed. "I'm not going anywhere with you unless you tell me what the actual fuck is going on." You protested as you furrowed your eyebrows, increasing your anger by the second.

"Didn't I tell you that I didn't have time to explain?" Eren said as he held the elevator doors with his hand, preventing it from sliding close.

"I think as someone who was rushed out of their own house due to a problem that is most likely your fault, deserves an explanation on what is it that you're plotting?" You said firmly as you stuck your finger at him, pleading your case no matter what he says.

Eren annoyingly rolled his eyes at you and massaged his forehead in annoyance as he heard you talk. Suddenly, his demeanor began to shift as he looked straight ahead, but not at you. It was almost like he saw a ghost.

Without a warning, he pulled you into the elevator with him, drawing your body close to his. In that moment, you could feel his warmth of his embrace, his grip on you strong and protective. Eren took off one arm around you and spammed the close button that was on the elevator buttons list in an incredibly fast and powerful motion.

You snuck your head out of his chest and turned around to look at what drove Eren to the point where he had to physically pull you into the elevator, and there you saw Jean running towards the elevator in a panic yet terrifying manner.

The elevator's sliding doors closed in a motion that felt like forever, but luckily closed by the time Jean could make it in.

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