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The bright sunlight spilled through the curtains of your window, signaling the new arrival of day. The sun's beams flamed directly to your eyes as a natural alarm clock, yet your room was a bit dimmer than usual. You scrambled your hands into your pockets as you searched for your phone to see what time it was, 6:20a.m.

While squinting your eyes in reaction to the bright screen ahead of you, debating on whether to wake up or sleep in. In your thoughts, you discovered a memory from the events that took place last night in your dreams. Everything became vivid as you slowly started to panic about it.

The details of Eren's confession and his involvement with drug dealing felt all too real, memories crept more quickly than they usually did whenever you dreamt about something unusual.

As the memories of your dream continued to surface, the details of your wet-dream with Eren became more vivid. The texture of his tongue-piercing tugging in your mouth, the firmness of his touch, the feeling of his warm body pressing against yours, these images and sensations blended up in you while you felt a shiver down your spine.

You could shake off the feeling that there was something more underlying, something that seemed to connect your dream to your reality. Out of the ordinary, you began to ponder on whether Eren actually had a tongue-piercing and all those tattoos that were in his physique, or was it just your mind playing tricks on you. You suddenly felt the urge to investigate more about Eren's secret life.

Placing your foot on the cold floors, you hastily made your way to your door. The urgency compelled you to quickly make your way downstairs, without Lucas noticing you made you question on how should you execute your plan. Twisting the doorknob slowly, you noticed Lucas slowly dozing off to sleep while you gently tapped on his shoulder.

"I'm going to grab a snack." You whispered to him, but loud enough for him to hear your voice. Lucas, in a proper suit and tie nodded his head in approval while he shook his head to wake up from his sleep. The poor guy was being overworked by Eren just to protect you, made you eager to solve why he's doing all of this.

His face a bit bruised up from the lip area, his eye-bags bursting out, all because of Eren.

You shook your head out of your thoughts, and rushed downstairs into Eren's office. The large staircase was cool and almost slippery, making it apparent that it was recently cleaned.

As you reached the bottom of the staircase, you made your to Eren's office with your footsteps echoing softly in the cool-empty hall. Standing there momentarily, your mind still caught in a flurry of thoughts and feelings before quietly twisting the door handle to open the door.

The room was a tint of azure lighting coming in due to the early morning, creating a shadowed and secretive atmosphere. Your eyes then laid on Eren, who was fast asleep at his desk. His head resting on the piles of paper and documents spread out in front of him.

The sight of seeing him lying there motionless and relaxed made you pause of the moment. Your heart skipped a beat after reflecting back to your dream about him, but that didn't stop you from studying the documents that were laid down onto the desk he was sleeping on.

You moved slowly closer to him to get a better look onto the documents, and examined each one carefully. The documents appeared to be a mix of business reports, financial statements, and other information that wasn't exactly relevant to your case. Yet, one particularly important piece of information struck to your eye, "Jean's Men".

The mention of his name on the document file made your heart skip a beat, creating a layer of tension and confusion linking to your situation. Was there more than Jean that are out to get me for a reason I don't know? Or is it unfinished business?

As you were lost in thought and confusion, you felt a hand grasp on top of yours. "It's not about you." Eren's soft voice cut through the silence with his eyes remained closed. His hand still gripping onto yours while a sense of bewilderment and comfort took over you.

Your heart was thumping loudly in your chest, the touch of his hand added a chaotic mix of feelings swirling inside of you. "Then who is it about?" You held your breath, desperate for answers even if it bothered you. "It's about me." He confessed, his voice was deep and low to due the early morning.

"Jean wants to kill me because of my families past experience with his family." The truth was now spilled out in one blow, leaving a bitter taste in your mouth as your heart pounded in your chest. "Kill you? Why?" You asked, your voice was barely above a whisper as you tried to digest the weight of Eren's answers. The need to understand the reason behind Jean's desire to slaughter Eren didn't click right with your mind.

Sure, he fought him at the frat party, but kill over family disputes? You could hardly think straight because of this sudden change of direction.

"My family has ties with the mafia." Eren confessed, his voice heavy with the weight of admittance. Your heart sank as the reality of the situation began to sink in.

The dangerous undercurrent of crime and violence that lurked beneath the grounds of his house all became apparent to you. The dream last night took you by surprise, as it was almost true.

You couldn't help but feel a sense of unease lingering through the air, your hand slowly began to swift away from Eren's grasp. Eren's tone began with a mix of regret and vulnerability, "I'm sorry you had to hear it this way." He said with his head slowly rising up from the table, locking his emerald eyes with yours.

He paused for a moment, taking a deep look at your facial expression before trying to make his scrambled thoughts into a sentence. "My father—"

"Forced you into this?" You finished off his sentence, knowing from the dream you had last night would become your reality. Eren's expression flickered as he noticed your recall of his sentence, taking his words right out of his mouth. "How did you know?" Eren questioned you, in utter disbelief. Your voice was filled with a mixture of awe and nostalgia as you responded carefully.

"I saw it in my dream of you last night." You admitted, your mind still reeling from the vivid images that took place the night of your dream. You met Eren's gaze, hoping for understanding or acknowledgement that your dreams held a significant amount of meaning. Eren's eyes furrowed slightly as he licked his lips. "In your dreams?" He repeated with a tone of surprise and disbelief.

He tried to make sense out of this phenomenon, but he couldn't do much of it due to the fact that it was all out of your hands since you couldn't control your own dreams.

You sensed Eren's struggles and his attempts to make sense of the situation. "I know it might seem strange, but I can't control my dreams." You paused for a moment, gathering your thoughts to try to fix the puzzle.

"Last night, I saw you in my dreams, and everything you told me in that dream, was somewhat true." You said while you pleaded in your voice, assuring him that it was only just a dream that led you to the truth.

Eren scoffed slightly while he rubbed his left eye, and leaned back into his chair. "Is that why you've been screaming my name all night long?"

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