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| Now Playing |

My mind was evidently on Y/N the entire time I was forced to attend this annual party the committee requires me to go to. I tap my feet vigorously on the wooden chair, leaning backwards on the seat as the smoke of my blunt blows out in the air. The flow of the music was only going to keep me from going insane throughout the night, which was ironically Connie's playlist.

The night we allowed Connie to get on the aux, was the evening we had his playlist play-out for ages on end. Seeing him betray me, Y/N, and everyone he loved for the selfish desires of money. Unfortunately, he was afraid to ask me on the topic of money, since his pay was a bit lower than the average person who works under the Jaegerist alliance.

Was I really getting manipulated if I enjoyed killing the man? The question stands in the center of my head while I take a sip of my drink.

Jean's women dancing, swaying, grinding, against any object nearby their bodies made me disgusted inside. The women who slaughtered, tortured, innocent people for decades stood here dancing so carelessly to the beat of the music, as if nothing happened. Since my mother's death caused me to mature quickly than usual, I wasn't getting any sort of pleasure or joy for parties at my age. Especially not with the ones who killed my ancestors in cold blood, carelessly and brutally.

Suddenly, "Eren, boy!" A woman called out from behind, which caused me to instantly roll my eyes backwards in annoyance before I wiped my head around to face the woman. I raised my eyebrow in question, waiting for the women who wore a revealing outfit, resembling a belly-dancer of some sort.

Her fingers made its way to her waist, as she pointed out that she needed a cash bills for her performance.

"I've gone bankrupt, send condolences." I sarcastically replied, turning my head back around as I ignored her begging for money. I could feel her anger from the back of my head as her footsteps approached me rapidly from behind. "I know you have it somewhere! You're the son of Grisha, aren't you?" The woman called out, pointing towards my face as she continues to beg for some change.

"And what makes you think Grisha has money?" I nudged her into giving me information, as she is clearly drunk and out of her mind. Her blurry eyes turned fierce as she launches her hands to her heart, in a sudden burst. "I see the future! That is, and I predict you will die before you even get a wife!" The drunkard ran off before I could even speak, leaving me a bit speechless to her response. Thinking nothing of it, I went back to my drink.

The pure taste of scotch ran through my throat as I gulped the last drops down before I stood up from my spot and walked over to the bathroom. The absurdly long line that led to the male restrooms was outrageous, yet I had no other choice but to wait in line. I found myself occasionally glancing over to my surroundings, and making sure nothing suspicious is lurking behind me.

                     KILLS - CHIEF KEEF
                              | Now Playing |

"Jaeger-bomb!" A voice called out from behind me, as I alerted spun myself around to face the group of men who were clearly wearing bulletproof vests under their blouses. The man standing in front of the small gang, was no other than Jean Kristen. My eyes furrowed slightly as my jaw clenched while I gloomed at his siren liked eyes. "Hello, gentlemen." I politely said, slightly bowing in an angle to greet the group of men standing in front of me.

"Sup, Jaeger." Jean called out, offering a handshake in response for a formal greeting between the two of us. I disgustingly glared at his hand reaching out at me, and dug into my left pocket for a small baseball. "I don't know where your hands have been, catch!" I firmly said, gently throwing the baseball at him in exchange for a firm handshake. Jean swiftly caught the baseball in his hand, and jammed it in his pocket before flashing an awfully wide smirk towards me.

"Just to be clear, I won't do anything to you tonight. Let's just celebrate the success of our annual party as respected rivals!" Jean happily cheered, as he cocked open a bottle of champagne before vigorously spraying it in the air with a delightful smile on his face. A bit of champagne grazing my lips, as I wiped it off my lips in horror for what the champagne could've contained.

"Keep the partying at a minimum, I'm about to leave anyways." You alerted Jean, practically shouting to increase your voice over his obnoxious yelling.

"Leaving so soon? Going to fuck that Y/N of your—" A sentence cut so short as I launched my fist into his jaw, possibly crushing it into pieces as he launched backwards while crashing onto various barstools behind him.

His men urgently grabbed my arms, holding me back from taking things anymore further than it needed to go. "You really are, aren't you?" Jean teasingly replied, stumbling back to his original position as he wiped away the blood leaking from the bottom of his lips.

"And what if I am? Do you have a problem?" I bantered against him with my smirk slithering over to the corners of lip. The men crushed their biceps tighter against my arms, making it almost impossible for me to break through.

Jean leaned closer to my face, his eyes wide open as if he'd gone crazier. "Seems like you have a problem by the way you acted when I brought her up." Jean whispered harshly over at me, flying his spit on my face.

"Yeah, because she has nothing to do with this shit." I deliberately responded, lashing back out at him as I defended her name. Jean quickly responded by a faint chuckle escaping his mouth, but quickly turning back to reply. "And who brought her into this shit? Oh wait, it was you!" Jean replied hysterically, looking at you dumbfounded while your actions resulted in consequences.

I turned my head sightly to the side, letting out a quick laugh and quickly locked in as I launched my leg into his crotch as hard as I possibly could. Jean groaned in pain and agony while his legs twisted against each other, his hands shaking while he held onto his pants in affliction. His men quickly took action as they rushed me out of the venue, and to the parking lot.

"You will die worthless, and live in guilt forever!" One the men who was clinging onto my arm yelled out in my ear before slamming me onto the pavement, letting out a slight groan as I hit the ground. A painful punch quickly made contact with my cheekbone, as they came from every direction.

A circle surrounded my body as punches laid onto my face, body, and chest while I took it ruthlessly. The vicious speed and strength of the men quickly reached its climax as I began to slightly bleed out from my nose, which resulted in my vision becoming slightly blurry from the painful impact crashing down on me.

The stomping of the feet began as the soles of their shoes began to roll onto my body as the piercing muscles began to stab me over and over again.

"Alright, that's enough." One of the men called out, leaning back up from the ground with his knuckles bruised and bloody from the impact of his own actions. A splatter of spit shot from my mouth, a medium sized goop that stuck onto one of the guy's hair as they quickly walked away from my body. A slight chuckle escaped my mouth as I slowly got up from the ground, and stumbled to my car while I tried my best to avoid falling down.

Luckily, my car was nearby for me to successfully pull myself together. My hand forcibly gripped onto my ribs as I applied immense pressure to reduce the pain. The warmth of my blood oozing down my nose began to drip on the surface beneath me, as I clung onto my car's door to avoid making a total mess.

Pulling onto the handle, I plopped right on the driver's seat before inserting my key's into the hole to start the vehicle.

The engine roared as I quickly backed up from the parking lot, and into the main road to drive back home as I attempted to pull myself together from my possible injuries.

Did I really want to survive this living hell?

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