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I inhaled deeply, taking a few puffs of my cigarette before extinguishing it on the ashtray. Preparations for the meeting that was being held today, were increasing my anxiety every second a servant made their final touches to the venue.

The eagerness to make the place seem spotless, when what was going to be discussed in it, was horrid. The crystals of the glass of scotch were glistening in my eyes while I took a deep sip to ease my anxiety. It has been over a year since our last encounter with the Kristein household, and with Y/N around, it was my job to protect her.

The poor girl who I dragged along with me in this situation that I stuck myself in, I couldn't bear to see her dead because of my own actions. The cold blooded mafia fatigues, the wealth that these regimes held, was all too much for Y/N. I needed to get her out of this mess before it escalates.

"Eren," Your eyes flickered to Armin as he approached, carrying a basket filled with vibrant and exotic flowers from different corners of the earth. Their colors danced before your eyes, momentarily distracting you from the horrid feeling that these flowers contained.

The breathtaking and delicate flowers only served a highlight of the tragic irony of their existence. They were being used as tools in a dangerous scheme, the vibrancy colors that the petals held had a secretive intention behind them. "Where do you want these flowers?" Armin asked, while gesturing his eyes to the flowers that you solemnly hated.

"I don't really care." You responded, your voice tickled with bitterness while you waited for these flowers to depart from you immediately. Armin slightly nodded while he slightly raised an eyebrow in confusion, placing the flowers next to the entrance where guests will walk in.

The venue was a bit extra, due to the fact what will be discussed during the meeting would be short and firm. No food service after, just a party to cover up the discussions that would take place for a short amount of time. I took occasional glances over to the clock to inform Y/N about the meeting, but the time seemed to be moving slowly as I kept wasting my time sitting down, and waiting for the right moment.

The dress was already here for Y/N, and was dropped by to her room a few hours ago. The dress I originally picked for her, held a tight significance as well.

I intentionally picked out the correct hue for her dress, to match the walls that would be used for the venue. The navy blue dress I picked out for her, was deliberately chosen for its ability to merge with the surroundings. In case for potential danger, the dress's color would serve as camouflage to protect Y/N.

Although, there was a slight issue. The suit I picked out for myself, had been already bought several weeks ago by an unknown source, which raised suspicion about who bought the suit. Coincidentally, the suit was also the same hue as Y/N's dress, playing the same significance as the dress. As I thought nothing of it, Lucas picked out a simple black suit for me instead. If the Kristein's wanted to play this game, they should be aware on who they were messing with.

Y/N's POV:

Your eyes scanned the pages of the book in your hands, seeking solace in the words that filled the pages. Thankfully, your assignments have been completed, leaving you with a bunch of free time. Sasha had been spam texting you since the morning, which made you miss her by the second.

Even though you couldn't tell her your situation, she still had a sense of trust in you. Being blessed with a friend like her, was the best thing that you could possibly asked for. The clock was ticking faster and faster to 7PM, the time for your so called 'meeting.' Representing Eren in his stupid family disputes was the last thing you saw yourself doing, but you couldn't help but feel a bit excited in doing so.

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