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I ran,

You ran from the man who lied to me. Even if it was the slightest thing, he kept secrets from me. Secrets and truths that would perhaps maybe make me look at him some other way. His tease, his playful banters towards me, was all that you could bear aside from his true personality and life style.

The venue from the women's side was bright, off-white curtains coveting the large windows to block any possible escape from the outside world. The warm light hugged guests like a mother's hug, which concealed from terrible things being discussed during the meeting.

Women who were presented with wealth, a sense of greed seeping into their eyes while they carelessly drank champagne with laughter crowding through the room. You noticed waiters that looked like they were forced to do things behind the scenes, judging by the dark eye-bags under their eyes with their postures lower than ever.

A fake smile was placed on them while they held no eye contact with the high ranking women, pouring champagne onto glasses with a mask on their faces while you watched.

You stood by the corner of the area, trying blending in with the crowd with your navy blue dress that struck out from any angle of the vicinity. Noticing waiters with large bottles of wine that struck out to you. That was the same wine that you were denied over at Eren's house by the chef.

Your eyes slightly widened as you realized the wine was contaminated with something, which was why you were denied the access to drink it at Eren's house. The waiter looked over to you, with a concerned look plastered on her face as she handed you a glass in which she poured the wine onto your cup.

Thinking quickly, you purposely spilled the wine onto her, immediately staining her white cloth a deep red color while you let out a fake gasp. "Oh, I must've spilled the wine on you!" You declared loudly, to alert guests who were glaring at the two of you, noticing the wine stain on the waiter's undershirt.

The waiters eyes grew in terror, you could feel the ground shaking by her anxious movement as her hands vibrated at the sight of the wine stain on her.

"I'm so sorr—"

You immediately shut her up by a single finger placed on her lips, sealing her mouth shut while you crouched down to her ear. "Don't make a noise. Who knows what they could've done to you?" You whispered in her ear, backing off slowly while you wiped the wine stain on her garment with a white towel, rubbing it off as efficiently as you could before giving her a quick smile before you sat onto a chair which was connected to a massive table which could accommodate at-least fifty people.

Suddenly, a jingle from a bell was rung which alerted the rest of the guests who were up standing. "If you could all take your seats, please do!" A woman who resembled a short figured blonde, which eyes seemed distraught even if she was cheerfully smiling.

A crowd of women took their seats, while a few stood by the chairs that were occupied. You nervously bumped your feet up and down anxiously while you waited for the meeting to commence, with wandering eyes lingering on you did not in fact help with your anxious state.

"As you all may recall, the Kristeins and Jaegers have generational ties intertwined with one another, in an alliance mannered community." The women who rang the bell spoke boldly, gaining everyone's attention. "Recently, Connie Springer has been killed indirectly by the infamous name, Eren Jaeger." The voice of the women echoed through your mind as your eyes widened in horror.

You were lost for words while you attempted to refrain from screaming on top of your lungs in a dreadful manner.

Your throat began to choke itself as you tried to conceal your tears from dropping down from your eyes as you were under the pressure of practically getting murdered in the halls where murder was considered "respect" from apposite sides of the parties.

"Could she be lying?" You thought to yourself while peeking at the women in the room who seemed unphased on the words she had just bittered out. How so that all these females knew about the killing of Connie, expect his best-friend?

With a fierce gaze that you had on, the hatred you had for Eren grew faster than you could ever imagine. No matter what you could do, all you could do was listen.

"Let Springer's death be a reminder that you can't escape this." The women declared, her voice echoing through the ears of the women who listened to her words like hungry dogs. "Us Jaegers must represent the Jaeger name, no matter the traitors we encounter." The blonde held up a glass of wine, before letting out a powerful screech.

"To Jaegerists!" She yelled out while everyone screamed the chant back, expect you. Your expression was mortified, a new perspective had unleashed within you while you tried to make sense of the situation. The immediate brainwash that everyone in the room consumed was disgusting, as they thought murders and sacrifices is the way to hold a culture together.

Your teeth grinded in anger, while you stood up from your seat in an attempt to sneak out while the bustling crowds grew heavy in patriotism.

On your feet, hastily making towards the exit while you took occasional glances to watch your back for any suspicious eyes facing directly at you. Pushing the door quickly but quietly, you laid eyes on the enemy. He was seated manspreading with his eyes looking from his eyebrows with his piercing gaze over at you before he stood up quickly to face you. "Y/N-"

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You forcefully pushed him from your sight, walking towards the women's bathroom while you noticed him tumbling backwards from your peripheral vision. Tears came rushing down your eyes as you sniffed heavily from your nose, on your breaking point while you tried to swing on the bathroom door, but it was occupied.

Angrily, you let out a sharp groan in agony as you tried to calm yourself down but failed. Eren caught up to you with a concerned look placed on his facial expression. "Whatever you heard in there were all lies-"

"You killed Connie, didn't you?" You yelled at him, cutting him off with your voice breaking at every word that you managed to stumble out from your mouth. Eren let out a small sigh, digging in his hair with his fingers in a stressful manner.

"Everything that comes out of your mouth are all lies, so just stop talking for fuck sake." You muttered out before letting out a rainfall of tears that streamed down your face as you felt your body temperature growing rapidly, trying to process any information that you received. Even though there was no evidence behind the murders of Connie, you had a gut feeling his blood was on Eren's hands.

"I killed Connie because he betrayed us Jaegers." Eren spoke softly, even if his words were beautiful poems, the meanings behind it disgusted you every time he spoke the filth he believed in.

"Betray how? Is he apart of your scheme? Is that why he randomly bought his first car and took me out for lunch when he grew up dirt poor?" Your voice was on its breaking point while you tried to make sense of the situation.

Eren briefly took a moment to gain back his composure, knowing how hard the situation was to fix. "He was brainwashed into helping my brother, Zeke who has ties with Jean." Eren revealed the truth, towering over you with reassuring eyes that you never seen before on him.

Though, your stance on him barely changed while tears were still streaming down your eyes. Suddenly, Eren wiped the tears that were pouring down your eyes as you felt his warm fingers grazing your waterlines and cheek.

"He needed the money, and you took his life for one slight mistake." You pierced at him, laying your finger wavering in his chest. Eren slowly nodded as you let out your emotions on him, allowing the pressure to get to him even if he hurts him more.

Your tears began to flow down increasingly, realizing that he was actually gone. Memories of his laughter, him sleeping during class, him paying for everything for you even if he didn't have enough money for a train ride home, was all stopped due to miscommunications and manipulation.

It all ended. Taken away, your head was planted on Eren's chest by his immense hand plastered on the back of your head. Your muffled cries were absorbing the fabric of his suit while you sobbed without a care in the world.

"Cry all you want, I'm here."

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