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SIENNA - The Marías
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Muffled screams of grief echoed through Eren's heart, while he wrapped his arms around you in a tight embrace as you leaned onto him. His vanilla scented cologne dragged into your nose as you instinctively pressed against his chest, feeling his heartbeat beating faster as the seconds passed. The tears seeped into his suit, making it darker in hue while you gripped onto the fabrics of the attire he had gathered on.

Your arms were by your side, as you couldn't bring yourself to wrap them around his body. His hand performed circular movements around the back of your head, which hypnotized you in a trance which you couldn't escape. The immense guilt you were left with was indescribable, and intense while you couldn't escape it.

The two of you stood there, in a deep embrace of emotions pooling around the pair. Who knew grief could lead you to do things you never imagined yourself doing? The things grief does can psychologically affect you, even if it's crying in the man's chest who you dreaded. Sasha, came up on your mind.

You were going to be the one to break the news to her, and you weren't mentally prepared to face the consequences of reality that you could've stopped. Time felt slow, yet it felt rushing down with anticipation and guilt you endured during everything that has happened since you arrived at the Jaeger Estate. A young college student whose life was turned when she met a young man who dragged her into his life like a virus.

After a brief moment, you pulled away from his grasp and wiped the remaining tears from your eyes away with your fingers. Eren longingly stared over at you, his body tensed while he leaned down to meet your face. "Connie knew the circumstances he was getting into, he knew if he went over to help Zeke, he would be putting you at risk as well." Eren replied softly, reassuring you with the truth you deserved for a while. You bit down on your bottom lip in denial, but a part of you wanted to believe him.

A part of you wanted to be on his side, but in reality you had no choice but to retaliate against your best friend. "You didn't even give him a chance to explain himself." You pushed back, which gave Eren more reasons to explain why he works the way he does.

"You're right, I should've let him explain himself even if It wasn't what I wanted to hear." Eren replied gracefully, agreeing with everything you said as you had the right to question the killer of your other half. "Maybe if you stopped worrying about yourself all the time, you wouldn't have done this." You responded, your tone breaking with despair as you tried to hold back anymore tears from your eyes.

He did nothing. He stood there with the guilt reminiscing across his face, knowing that he should've done something else to protect your best-friend. "It was my only choice, It was to either kill Connie, or I would die if I didn't obey orders." Eren managed to spit out, as he looked at the horrid face you had placed on while he stood there spreading those words out like it was casual.

"Who is trying to kill you? Report it to the police instead of infesting yourself into criminal activity." You insisted, with your tone soft to comfort him during this difficult period in his life. Eren shut his eyes in annoyance for a moment, before turning back to look at you.

"It doesn't work like that, Y/N. The whole 'dealing' situation has been passed down from generation to generation by my ancestors. Reporting it to the police would result into a whole different conflict that I can't imagine happening." Eren spoke out, meaning every single word he uttered while tears began to bubble down his eyes as he spoke out.

"All the lives gone, all the memories of my life being corrupted, everything that my job requires me to do, I want it all to end." Eren broke down, his tears flowing down his cheeks while he muttered words out of his mouth in relief of getting them off his chest.

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