Chapter 13

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The plane touches down with a soft jolt, and I let out a breath I didn't realize I'd been holding. Tenerife. The Canary Islands. Normally, I'd be excited—buzzing with that energy you get when you're about to embark on a vacation in a paradise like this. But this trip is different. My nerves are on edge, a knot of anxiety tightening in my stomach since I haven't heard from JJ since that disastrous brunch. The silence has been deafening, and I have no idea what kind of reception I'll get when I finally see him.

I stare out the small airplane window as we taxi toward the terminal. The island stretches out beneath a clear sky, the horizon lined with volcanic cliffs and shimmering beaches. Gorgeous. But none of that beauty can calm the storm in my head. JJ's been dodging my calls and texts for days. I mean, I get it—things at brunch went south in a way none of us expected. But still, the longer this drags on, the worse it feels.

As I wait for the passengers ahead of me to shuffle off the plane, my mind drifts back to how I found out about JJ's impromptu escape. It took days of pushing Desmond and Martina for them to give me the details. They were ice-cold toward me at first—understandably, considering the Alejandro-Lukas drama. But eventually, they caved. They knew, deep down, I wasn't the one who caused this mess. After a few guilt-tripping texts and a late-night phone call, Desmond spilled the beans: JJ was in Tenerife, holed up in a villa, probably filming his next round of influencer content, hiding behind his lens like he always does when things get messy.

I finally step off the plane and into the balmy island air, my carry-on slung over my shoulder. My phone buzzes in my pocket—Conrad. I answer, and his soothing voice spills through the speaker.

"How's it going? You land yet?"

"Just got off the plane," I reply, trying to keep the tension out of my voice as I navigate the bustling terminal. "Still trying to figure out what the hell I'm gonna say when I see him."

"Babe, he'll be happy to see you," Conrad reassures me. "JJ's probably just overwhelmed. You know how he gets when his personal life blows up."

"I know. But he's been ignoring me for days, and I have no idea how he's feeling after everything that happened. I mean, Lukas and Alejandro? That's a lot to process."

"It is, but you're not the one he's upset with," Conrad says firmly. "Just talk to him. He'll come around. I know it."

I sigh, weaving my way through the crowd toward the car rental desk. "I hope you're right. Otherwise, this is going to be a very awkward confrontation."

Conrad chuckles. "You'll be fine. Call me after you talk to him, okay?"

"I will. Thanks, babe."

I hang up and grab the keys to my rental, a compact car that's perfect for navigating the tight streets of this touristy island. As I drive toward Las Americas, the area where JJ's staying, the ocean glistens to my left, and palm trees sway lazily in the breeze. The scene is stunning, yet all I can think about is JJ and what state I'm going to find him in.

I pull into the packed neighborhood where his villa is. It's no surprise that parking is a nightmare, with tourists cramming every available spot. My anxiety spikes as I circle the block a few times, searching for an opening. Every second feels like it's stretching out forever, like some kind of cosmic delay to the inevitable. Finally, after what feels like ages, I spot a space and squeeze in.

Conrad's words replay in my head as I sit in the car for a moment, gathering my thoughts. "He'll be happy to see you. Just talk to him."

I hope he's right.

The villa in front of me is beautiful—just like everything in Tenerife—but all I can focus on is the knot in my stomach. My heart races as I make my way down the narrow walkway toward the entrance. The air is thick with the scent of saltwater and sunbaked stone, but I barely notice it. I'm too wrapped up in the anxiety of not knowing how this is going to go.

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