Chapter 29

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I woke up in a tangle of sheets, sunlight streaming through the curtains, and for a split second, I forgot he was lying next to me. Then, I felt his warmth—his arm draped casually over my waist, his body pressed close to mine. Liam. Lukas' brother. Married Liam.

I turned my head slightly, looking at his peaceful face, and all the excitement from Izzy's wedding came rushing back. That day had been magical, pure joy shared between friends, and it left me riding on such a high. But now, back in San Diego, reality was seeping in. The exhilaration I felt from Izzy's wedding wasn't the only thing coursing through me—it was this secret, this affair, that was taking root in my life.

I sighed, feeling the familiar mix of emotions creeping in. Guilt, excitement, shame, pleasure. I couldn't deny it, though: the sex with Liam had been some of the best I've ever had. He was everything I didn't know I wanted. Every encounter was raw, intense, uninhibited. It felt like being with someone who could read my mind, knowing exactly what I needed before I even knew it myself. But then, there was the other side—the heavy, nagging guilt that made my chest tighten. Keeping this from my friends was bad enough. Lukas had no idea his brother and I had been sneaking around. But what gnawed at me the most was knowing I was the other woman.

I closed my eyes, letting my mind drift back to the night before I left San Diego for Izzy's wedding. Liam had picked me up late, after a few teasing texts about how much he wanted to see me. We ended up at this hidden speakeasy in the Gaslamp Quarter, dimly lit, music thumping through the walls. It was one of those places where you could lose yourself, where nothing felt real, and the lines of morality blurred. We drank too much—flirted, laughed—and before I knew it, we were sneaking off to the bathroom.

I remember the rush as he pressed me against the cool tile wall, his breath hot against my neck. My dress hiked up around my waist as his fingers gripped my thighs, and then he was inside me. The thrill of it—the possibility of being caught, the way he fucked me hard from behind—it was intoxicating. I still remember how his hands clutched my hips, his deep moans reverberating in my ears as we reached the peak together. The moment was so filthy, so raw, and yet, it was everything I craved. He felt huge inside me, filling me in ways that left me breathless and wanting more.

I exhaled deeply, pushing away the memory for now. The sex was mind-blowing, yes, but the weight of everything else was starting to drag me down. I knew this wasn't sustainable. Sneaking around, lying, hiding from my friends—it couldn't last forever. Eventually, something would have to give.

Liam stirred next to me, his eyes fluttering open. When he saw me looking at him, he grinned lazily. "Morning, beautiful," he mumbled, his voice still husky with sleep. He brushed a strand of hair away from my face, his touch soft, almost tender.

"Morning," I whispered back, forcing a smile. Despite everything, part of me loved these little moments with him. They felt so intimate, like we were in our own little world.

For a while, we just lay there, exchanging playful banter, teasing each other about the night before. But then, reality hit again. Liam sat up, stretching, and glanced at his phone. "I should get going," he said, not quite meeting my eyes. "Told my wife I had a client meeting in L.A. yesterday. Can't exactly be late getting home."

I rolled my eyes, annoyed at the whole situation. "You know, the lying is starting to get old," I muttered, pulling the sheets up around me. "Maybe I'm just tired of being your dirty little secret."

He looked at me, a flicker of guilt crossing his face before he shrugged it off. "You're not a secret, Martina. You're... well, you know what this is."

"Do I?" I shot back, my irritation growing. "Because I'm not so sure anymore. Maybe we need to rethink this."

The Queens of San Diego (18+)Where stories live. Discover now