Chapter 25

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I'm in Sri Lanka right now, on a solo work trip for my social media platforms. It's been an incredible journey so far—lush landscapes, vibrant culture, and endless inspiration for the content I'm creating. Right now, I'm riding in the passenger seat of a small car, weaving through the mountain roads with Chami, my guide for the day. He was recommended by a few other influencers I follow, and they weren't wrong—he's super friendly, though his broken English makes our conversations more of a mix of hand gestures and laughter than anything else. As we drive deeper into the countryside, my mind starts to wander, caught between the beauty of this place and everything that's happened back home.

As I sit in the passenger seat, watching the dense greenery of Sri Lanka roll past the window, I can't help but think about everything that's happened in the past few weeks. Life's been a whirlwind, to say the least. Between traveling, spending time with Lukas, and dealing with the whole Alejandro situation, I'm just starting to feel like I can breathe again.

When Lukas and I went to the police, I remember feeling this weight lift off my shoulders. The moment we showed them the messages Alejandro sent—threatening to release the sex tape unless I slept with him one last time—I knew we were doing the right thing. Still, it wasn't easy. Those messages felt like a ticking time bomb, something that could destroy Lukas' career and reputation in a heartbeat. But the police took us seriously, and that made all the difference. We handed over everything: the texts, the threats, the whole ugly mess. It was a relief to finally get some help.

Not long after, Alejandro was arrested. I'll never forget the feeling of him being served with legal papers—it was a mix of shock and anger. The reality of his situation was finally sinking in. He knew he had no choice but to back off. No more threats, no more manipulation. Alejandro's been quiet ever since, and I've heard through the grapevine that he's leaving for Rome soon. Part of me is relieved. That chapter of my life, the one filled with manipulation, drama, and fear, is finally coming to a close.

But it's not just about Alejandro. Things are really starting to look up for Lukas and me. I can feel it. We're moving in a better direction, getting closer, more comfortable. It's exciting, knowing that we've pushed through some of the hardest parts. I'm not naïve, though. There's still so much we have to deal with. Lukas is still working through his dad's health crisis, and that's a whole other level of emotional weight. It's been hard seeing Lukas struggle with his father's illness while trying to keep it all together. But we're facing it together, and that's what matters.

And then there's the other big thing—the fact that Lukas isn't out to his parents yet. It's something we've been dancing around for a while. I know he's trying to figure it out, trying to find the right moment, but it's tough. His family is so tight-knit, and his father's expectations are heavy. I don't want to push him, but at the same time, I can't help but wonder how long we'll stay in this in-between space. It's not easy, navigating a relationship where I can't fully be open with the people closest to him. But I love him, and I'm willing to wait until he's ready. Still, it's a weight that lingers.

For now, though, I'm choosing to focus on the good. Alejandro's out of the picture, and Lukas and I are in a better place than we've been in a long time. That's worth celebrating, even if there are still challenges ahead. The future feels like it's full of potential, and I'm excited to see where it takes us.

"Very beautiful country, yes?" Chami asks, glancing over at me with a knowing smile.

"Yes, absolutely," I respond, nodding. "It's stunning. I can't wait to see more."

Chami chuckles and points out a small temple nestled into the hillside as we pass by. "Many temples here. Sri Lanka has much history."

I nod again, letting the peaceful vibe of the conversation and the scenery wash over me. The drive is long—three hours from Colombo to our destination—but I don't mind. The quiet gives me time to think. And I had a lot to think about.

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