Chapter 5

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As I cruise through downtown San Diego, the skyline gleaming in the distance, I can't help but feel a mix of excitement and nerves bubbling up inside me. The sun's golden rays bounce off the glass buildings, creating a picture-perfect backdrop to the evening. It's like the city knows I need everything to go smoothly tonight. The rooftop lounge we're heading to is one of my favorites, with its classy vibe and killer views of the bay. But tonight's different—I've invited Conrad to meet the crew for the first time, and honestly, I don't know how they'll react to him.

Conrad's... different. He's not the polished, high-powered professional my friends might expect, but there's something about his laid-back, wanderer vibe that I've fallen for. Still, I can't shake the feeling that his "I live out of a van and chase waves" lifestyle might throw my friends off.

As I turn a corner, making my way toward the lounge, my phone buzzes on the seat next to me. I glance at the screen—Martina. I grab my hands-free device and hit the call button.

"Hey, babe, you on your way?" I ask, knowing she's probably still busy juggling clients and deals. It wouldn't be Martina without a high-stakes real estate drama on her plate.

There's a pause, then her voice comes through, smooth but with that familiar edge of professionalism. "Actually, I'm not going to make it tonight, Izzy."

I frown, gripping the steering wheel a little tighter. "Wait, what? Why not? You know I was excited for everyone to finally meet Conrad!"

Martina chuckles, and I can picture her sitting in her luxury G-Wagon, all composed and flawless as usual. "I know, I know. But I have dinner plans with Ricardo. Remember that client I told you about? The one with the Ferrari?"

Ah, of course. The Argentine businessman. "Ohhh, Ricardo. So it's a date now, huh?" I tease, a smile tugging at my lips despite my disappointment.

Martina groans, but there's a playful note in her voice. "It's a dinner, Izzy. He's a client. It's professional."

"Yeah, and I'm sure you'll be super professional while he's gazing at you across the table, whispering sweet nothings in Spanish," I tease, grinning. I can't help myself; Martina's always so put-together, and it's fun to push her buttons when it comes to mixing business with pleasure.

She huffs but doesn't deny it. "Whatever. Anyway, I promise I'll meet Conrad soon. I'm dying to know what you see in this guy. He must be something special if you're introducing him to the group."

"He is," I say, a little more seriously. "But I'm nervous, you know? I hope everyone gets why I'm with him. He's not exactly what you guys are used to, but there's just something about him..."

"Izzy, stop worrying. If you like him, that's all that matters. You know the group will support you, no matter what."

I smile at that. She's right, of course. My friends have always had my back. But there's still that little flicker of insecurity gnawing at me, especially with Conrad being so different from my usual type. "Thanks, babe. But seriously, you're going to meet him soon, okay? No excuses. I'll be expecting full commentary after your date tonight too."

Martina laughs softly. "Deal. I'll keep you updated, but you better do the same. I want all the details on how Conrad handles the crew."

"Will do." I glance up as the towering buildings of downtown give way to the bright lights of the Gaslamp District. "Have fun on your date! And hey, if he tries to woo you with Argentine charm, just go with it."

Martina laughs again, this time a bit more genuinely. "You're the worst. But thanks, Izzy. I'll talk to you later."

"Later, babe!" I end the call just as I pull into the parking garage, my nerves kicking up a notch. The thought of introducing Conrad to the group—while knowing how different he is from all of us—makes my stomach flip. But I can't worry about that now. I shake off the last bits of anxiety as I park, stepping out into the cool San Diego evening.

The Queens of San Diego (18+)Where stories live. Discover now