Chapter 14

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After their time in the heat of Tenerife, JJ and Izzy decided they wanted a break from the sun and chose somewhere cooler—Reykjavik, Iceland, of all places. JJ thought it would be perfect for his social media content, and honestly, I couldn't argue with that. The contrast from beaches to glaciers sounded exciting. They ended up inviting the rest of us to join them—me, Desmond, and yes, even Lukas, despite the awkwardness still lingering after everything that went down. Izzy also insisted that Conrad come along, eager for us all to meet him. I was a little skeptical about how this trip would play out with so many emotions still swirling, but it was hard to turn down the idea of Iceland. Plus, I was curious to meet Conrad and see what made him so special to Izzy.

The moment we stepped off the plane into Reykjavik, I felt the cool air hit my skin, and I let out a deep breath I didn't know I was holding. Iceland was a complete change from a hear wave we were experiencing in San Diego, and honestly, I welcomed it. There was something refreshing about the bite in the air, something that made me feel like maybe, just maybe, this trip would help clear my head.

I glanced over at Desmond and Lukas, who were walking with Conrad behind me. We had just come off a first-class flight, which was as luxurious as you'd imagine. But even with the comfort of fully reclining seats and champagne on demand, I couldn't shake the tension that had been hanging in the air since Lukas got on his apology tour.

This was my first time meeting Conrad in person. Izzy had been going on about him, and I'll admit, I was curious to see what kind of guy had managed to keep her attention for this long. We'd spent most of the flight chatting, and while he wasn't someone I'd typically hang out with—he was far too relaxed and "go with the flow" for my taste—I could see why Izzy liked him. There was something grounding about him, and honestly, after the chaos of our friend group, I could see how Izzy would crave someone who could bring a bit of stability into her life.

Still, even as I warmed up to Conrad, my mind couldn't help but wander back to Ricardo. I'd been thinking about him more than I'd like to admit. He had this way of getting under my skin, making me think about him when I should be focusing on other things. But here I was, in Iceland, with my friends—this wasn't the time to get distracted by a fling, no matter how tempting it was. Especially not when there was so much going on with the group.

Lukas had been trying so hard to make amends, but JJ still hadn't spoken to him. And while Desmond and I had forgiven Lukas for what happened with Alejandro, things weren't exactly back to normal. Forgiveness is one thing, but trust? That's going to take a lot longer to rebuild.

We stepped out of the airport and into the cool Icelandic breeze. I spotted Izzy and JJ waiting for us by the rental van—a sleek Mercedes-Benz sprinter, because of course JJ would rent something big enough to fit all of us and our mountain of luggage. I chuckled to myself when I saw Conrad's one small backpack compared to the literal suitcase tower I brought. Hey, a girl needs options.

Izzy lit up when she saw Conrad, running up to him and wrapping her arms around him. It was sweet, really. I couldn't help but smile, seeing her so happy. The "party girl" seemed to be settling down, and I was glad for her. Meanwhile, JJ stood back, giving me a tight smile before his eyes flicked to Lukas. The tension was immediate. Even though JJ had agreed to Lukas being here, it was clear they hadn't spoken about... well, everything. Lukas, for his part, looked like he was trying to play it cool, but the nerves were radiating off him. I could tell he wanted to talk to JJ, but now was definitely not the time.

JJ greeted us all warmly enough, though I could tell it was taking some effort. "Hey, everyone," he said, flashing that same guarded smile. "Let's get your bags in the van. We've got a bit of a drive ahead of us."

As we loaded up the van, the tension between JJ and Lukas remained, thick in the air. I knew JJ had told the group he was okay with Lukas coming on this trip, but it was clear that "okay" didn't mean "comfortable." JJ was still hurting, and Lukas, even though he was trying, couldn't fix this with just an apology. I just hoped this trip wouldn't push things too far.

I climbed into the back of the van with Lukas, while Desmond and Conrad sat closer to the front. JJ was driving, with Izzy riding shotgun, already deep into a conversation about some waterfall hikes they'd planned for tomorrow. As JJ and Izzy chatted up front, I turned to Lukas. He looked like a wreck, and honestly, I couldn't blame him.

"You'll be alright," I said softly. "I know you made a mistake, but you're a good person, Lukas. JJ's mad now, but he's not the kind of guy to throw away years of friendship over one mess-up."

Lukas blinked a few times, fighting back tears. "I just... I don't know if I can fix this," he whispered, his voice shaky.

I reached over and gave his arm a reassuring squeeze. "Give it time. The history between you two holds more importance than this. But you'll need to be patient. Let him come to you when he's ready."

He nodded, though he still looked uncertain. I didn't have all the answers, but I hoped my words gave him at least a little comfort.

The van pulled up to our hotel—a five-star, of course, because this was JJ we were talking about. We all piled out, grabbing our bags as we made our way inside. It was stunning, sleek, and modern with incredible views of the city. I barely had a chance to appreciate it, though, before my phone buzzed. It was Ricardo.

I sighed, stepping aside to answer. "Hello?"

"Martina, are you free this weekend?" His voice was dripping with that Latino charm that always made me weak in the knees.

"I'm in Iceland," I replied, trying not to sound too amused.

"Should I join you?" he asked, his tone playful. "I'm in desperate need of the Martina experience again."

I chuckled. "You're welcome to, but my friends come first this time around. If I find the time, I'll let you know."

"I'll wait lifetimes for another moment with you," he said dramatically, but sweetly.

I hung up, shaking my head. Ricardo was impossible. Still, I couldn't help but smile as I rejoined the group, wondering if his sudden appearance in Iceland might just turn this summer trip into something far more interesting.

After checking into our hotel, we all split off into our private suites. I don't think any of us could contain the excitement for the adventures we were about to have in Iceland. The hotel itself was a dream. I could tell this trip was about to be something special. As much as I'd been enjoying the cool, crisp air, it was also refreshing to know we'd have our own spaces to retreat to when the group dynamic got too intense. With the tension between JJ and Lukas still lingering, I knew we'd need it.

After getting settled, I couldn't resist sharing my latest bit of drama with the group. I mean, how could I not? Ricardo had just called me—yes, that Ricardo—asking if he could fly out to Iceland just for a little spicy rendezvous. His exact words, in that smooth Latino charm of his, were something along the lines of, "I need another taste of the Martina experience."

The minute I told them, of course, everyone's reactions were priceless. Desmond was practically squealing with excitement, and even Lukas perked up at the news. They all started hyping me up, teasing me about how I always manage to keep things interesting. Izzy was especially eager to meet him. Conrad, who was still getting used to our dynamic, just laughed along, probably trying to figure out how wild this trip was really about to get.

But, as fun as their reactions were, I couldn't shake the feeling that maybe it wasn't the best idea to let Ricardo crash this vacation. I mean, sure, the thought of him flying all the way out here just to see me was tempting, but I'd come to Iceland to spend time with my friends. Besides, I prefer to keep my thing with Ricardo strictly in the bedroom. No need to blur those lines while we're on vacation.

Still, as the conversation shifted back to our plans for Iceland—the waterfalls, the hiking, the adventures ahead—my mind kept wandering. What if Ricardo really did come? Would it change the whole dynamic? Would I even want him to? I was excited for the trip, no doubt, but now I couldn't help but wonder how things might shift if Ricardo suddenly showed up. It was going to be an interesting summer holiday, no matter what.

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