Uniting, Reuniting, and Saving

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The Doctor got closer to the door, looked at his other mate and thought, 'Damn, why are both of them so attractive?' Sirius was a tall slender woman with slight curves that fit her just perfectly. She had curly hair she wore up in braids and bright silver eyes that Harry had already inherited. James was about the same height as Sirius but a bit taller from what the Doctor could tell, he had dark brown curly hair and looked pale like Sirius, but he could tell that wasn't his normal tone as some color was already coming back to his face. Oh, and can't forget the muscle, the Doctor couldn't forget the muscle.

"Jamie? Prongs?" Sirius spoke softly and rubbed James' chest. His head slumped down onto his shoulder as he sleepily opened his eyes. He lifted up an arm to reveal an intricate looking wand. Sirius gasped, "Is that...?"

"Mhmm...Harry?" James said in a whisper. The Doctor was once again in awe of how beautiful his Bondeds were—even if one was just recovering from a deathly curse.

"He's on the Doctor's ship," Sirius told him calmly.

"Oh, you found him?" James mumbled against her shoulder.

"He's the guy who looks like Barty Jr standing at the door," Sirius said.

"Is that why we always thought Barty was good looking?" James mumbled.

"Probably, how did you get the Elder Wand?" Sirius asked.

"Disarmed Dumblelimpdick, Death took his memory of it and reversed him disarming me," James answered.

Sirius laughed a little at the name, "So you met Death?"

"Mhmm," James hummed. Then he turned his hand to reveal a stone.

"You have the Hallows?" the Doctor spoke up for the first time.

"Yes, love, I do. My cousin had a moment of sanity and handed it over," James said a bit louder.

"Dear, I have enhanced hearing," the Doctor said to James.

"Honey, I do too," Sirius said to the Doctor.

"Anywhooooo," James spoke up, "Death said, we essentially became his favorite trio. I control death, Sirius sentences death, and the Doctor oversees it."

"How did we get each part?" the Doctor asked, moving over.

"Because of his heritage and the fact he has all the Hallows, he has essentially gained the title of Master of Death which I assume is why he spoke to Death," Sirius began explaining, "Some wizards and witches can unlock the ability to become an animagus, the ability to change into an animal. I changed into a Padfoot dog which is a Grimm and a Death Omen which is why I see it or sentence someone to it. You as a Time Lord and a well known one, oversees everything to make sure it happens how it's supposed to happen and change what can be changed," she explained.

The three pause as a vision was in their heads. Sirius gasped and the other two could tell she would cry again. "Love, love," James tried grabbing her so the Doctor instead held her seeing James was still too weak to support himself, "He can be saved, he is savable," James said with certainty.

"He is?" she asked with emotion heard in her tone.

"Yes, we need to go though," James said as an angry hum is heard outside.

"Apparently my ship agrees," the Doctor said.

James tried to get up, but it legs were too weak. Sirius moved to try to help him, but the Doctor stopped her, "Your legs is cut—"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27 ⏰

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