Chapter 1

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(Ezra pov)

I wander through the marketplace in Capital City, pretending to browse. In truth, I was waiting for my signal so that I could start my mission with my rebel crew. Then I see Sabine getting ready to signal me.

She climbs onto a rooftop and pulls out her twin blasters. She twirls them around in her hands and then fires, taking out two stormtroopers in a squad below her. They see her and fire, but Sabine leaps to the ground, rolls, and continues to blast away. That's my signal.

I creep up behind the stormtrooper commander and take out my custom lightsaber with the built-in blaster. I fire at the commander and he falls to the ground, stunned. Sabine finishes taking out the other stormtroopers and we grin at each other. The crates that they were guarding now belong to the rebels.
I grab one crate and Sabine grabs the other, and we start to run off with them. But then Imperial reinforcements arrive. Agent Kallus of the ISB points his blaster rifle at us. "Hands up, rebels."

(Larrisa pov)

Jessie meets me in the marketplace. "Hey, Lovt 999."
"Lovt 101. Nice of you to show up."
"Didn't know we were weapons shopping today," Jessie comments. "Thought that was tomorrow."
I shrug. "Changed the date. Ready for code purple?"
Jess grins. "Always ready. Hey, you forgot this." She hands me her lightsaber.
"Thanks. Alright, on my signal." I climb to the rooftops and watch as a group of stormtroopers surround a couple of Imperial crates. They are black, meaning that they hold blasters or other weapons. I smile slightly. Vizago will be pleased, meaning more pay for us. Jessie walks by the troopers and quietly ducks into an alcove. She pulls out her blaster-
-and stops, about to fire, when a Mandolorian in painted armour starts blasting away at the stormtroopers. A boy in an orange jumpsuit sneaks up behind the stormtrooper commander and pulls a weird-looking square thing off of his belt and fires at the commander. He falls to the ground.
The two grin at each other and grab the crates, but don't get very far before an ISB agent and more stormtroopers surround them and order them to surrender.

We have to help them, is the thought that runs through my head. I nod at Jessie and signal to her. "Code red," I mouth. She looks surprised, then nods. I take a deep breath and start towards the Mandolorian and the boy, going from rooftop to rooftop.

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