Author's Note

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I am so sorry!! I haven't updated as much as I would like to. I am actually in the process of submitting my original novel to some publishers, so my life has been a little crazy right now. I am hoping to get my novel published, so I am submitting it today or tomorrow to some publishers in the country where I live. But once I submit it, it takes about 3 to 6 months to get responses from all of the publishers in total, so I will have all summer to write on Wattpad for sure. Yay!! Once September starts though, I don't know how much I will be able to write on here. I am starting at a new school, and I don't know how much homework I will get. And if my novel DOES get published, it will take up most of my time. School and my novel will have to come before my Wattpad, but I will ALWAYS finish any story I start here.

So wish me luck with my novel, and I'll have the next chapter up soon here!! Bya!!!

PS No, I am not submitting THIS novel to publishers. Star Wars is copyright of Disney, I am submitting a novel that I titled, "The Balancers".


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